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"Please, let me take you out on a date."

I couldn't help but smile at the nervousness he suddenly emitted. Vico? Nervous? It was unheard of but almost...endearing.

I liked that he was shy at times, and other times he fucked me with all the confidence in the world. My smile widened, seeing him drift his gaze away from me.

With my hand on his jaw, I directed his eyes back to me and kept it there. The idea of a date didn't scare me, but it was the chances of being seen that had me hesitant.

I knew Mario was far away, but that didn't mean he didn't have henchmen looking for me. Or investigating what happened. I looked at Vico, wondering what would have happened if it was someone else instead of him.

I'd probably be long dead.

"Yes," I murmured, searching his eyes.

Vico didn't hide his relief, or the smile that crept on his face.

He was happy, and it was infectious. But it was hard to tell if he was happy that my throat hurt or the fact that I had just said yes. Either way, it was a good time.

I laughed, seeing the little red tint sneak up on his cheeks. Is he blushing? I fixed my hair, chuckling at a blushing Vico as he tucked his dick back into his boxers. He held onto the back of my neck, pulling me towards him for a kiss. Not on my lips. But on my forehead, both cheeks and then ending up on my lips.

He was being affectionate, in a non-sexual way and I melted into his touch. It was nice to be held like that—despite the turmoil happening inside of me.

"What do you like to eat?" he asked, pushing my hair behind my ear and I had noticed that it was one of his favourite things to do. Maybe he just liked it—or he wanted to see my face better.

I shrugged. "What do you like making?"

He smiled, playing with the ends of my hair. "You want me to cook for you?"

"That depends on if you can," I muttered, absolutely absorbed by how hot he looked. His features might have been my most favourite part of him. After his body, of course—but I liked his voice and his height and the way he treated me. Okay, perhaps I just liked him.

Vico's smirked, resting his hands on my thighs. "Okay, Yara."

"Okay, Vico," I said, playfully rolling my eyes at him.

That little smirk he had without the desire to argue about it proved that Vico might just be able to cook. I leaned in, pecking him on the lips and quickly pulling away.

Kissing after a long time can turn into a dangerous addiction. But I liked how soft his lips were and how he always seemed happy to kiss me. Even happier when I initiated it instead of him.

What is happening to my life?

"That's all?" he asked, an unhappy frown on his face.

I leaned closer. "You want more?"

"I always want more," he breathed, and I didn't waste time when I inched closer and planted my lips on him.

It was soft, gentle and vastly different from our previous kisses. I enjoyed it, a lot more than I intended.

He held the back of my neck, keeping me there as he moved his lips against mine. I felt him sigh, and his free hand went to my hip. My arms were around his neck, holding him close and I almost moaned when he brushed his fingertips over my skin.

How am I still this affected by him?

I thought it was something I'd get used to. No, it felt like the first time every single time. Is it me with my deprived self? Or was it Vico with his addicting self?

It didn't matter. All I knew was that he made me wet as fuck. Easily so. He kissed me with all the patience in the world, as if he were capable of kissing me for the entirety of the night.

I pulled away, clearing away the tickle in my throat. It still hurt, but it was worth it and I'd do it again and again if I got the same reaction from him.

"Sore?" he muttered, tracing his thumb over the dip at the bottom of my throat. His eyes followed his movement, and I let my tongue run across my lips to avoid kissing him again.

"A little," I murmured quietly, staring at the man who wouldn't stop touching me, or let go of me.

I was still on his lap and it seemed as if he had no intention of getting up soon. Vico grinned, his eyes glazing over as if he was recalling my little...act.

I slapped him on the chest and Vico laughed, quickly grabbing me by the waist and bringing me closer. Unexpectedly, Vico kissed me on the centre of my neck and on the side. My breath caught, surprised by his actions—pleasantly surprised.

"Sorry, hermosa," he breathed, kissing me on my shoulder and I leaned my head to the side to give him better access. "Sit on my desk and I'll make it up to you."

"No," I pushed at his face, chuckling at his stunned and confused expression. "I'm good."

"What?" he asked, his nose scrunched and his face translating 'did I just hear you correctly?' I let out a loud laugh, amused by his inability to understand that tonight was all about him.

I needed nothing in return. I could sleep easily knowing that I made him feel good—the same way he was happy to make me feel.

"What?" I asked, mocking him and his face quickly fell into a look of boredom.

"Don't," he muttered. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I confirmed, unable to stop my chuckles. "I'm sure, Vico."

"Oh," Vico breathed, confusion still written over his face. "Okay. Do you want me to give you that massage you've been asking for?"

"Not right now," I told him.

"The fuck—" he whispered under his breath. "Okay. Uhm—"

"Vico," I interrupted, grinning at his desire to do something for me. "I'm good, okay?"

"I know. " He toyed with the collar of my t-shirt. "I just want to do something for you. This is such an odd feeling because you're not letting me. You don't want anything, Yara?"

"Vico," I said sternly, giving him a look.

He raised his hands. "Okay. Okay. I'll stop. Damn." This time, I didn't hold back my laughter at his dramatic self.

"What you can do..." I trailed off, watching him perk up underneath me. "Is get started on dinner for us."

"Yeah?" he grinned.


"Okay," Vico gripped my waist and lifted me off him, planting my feet on the floor as he stood up. "Give me one hour."

So eager.

"I'll be waiting."

• • •

double update!

Yara |18+|Where stories live. Discover now