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In her.

Without a second thought, I obeyed her demands.

Fuck. Is it supposed to feel that good? I gasped, taken aback by how it felt to experience an orgasm still deep inside of her. The world stood still and vanished, forcing grunts and moans from my chest while I let Yara squeeze every drop of me.

I watched her face, paying attention to her expressions but all I could see was extreme pleasure. With low dropped eyes and a blush on her cheeks, Yara smiled lazily and ran a soft hand over my chest. Damn.

I stayed in her, running a hand over her shoulder while I tried to fathom the absolute torturous feeling racing through me. Not only did it feel good, but Yara looked...breath-taking.

She had a sultry smirk on her lips and paired with her long, curly hair over one shoulder, I almost collapsed underneath her.

I'm in so much trouble.

I stared at her, already seeing the havoc she'll wreak over my life and truthfully, I did not care.

She could do all the damage she pleased.

"Come here," I breathed, clasping my hand around the back of her neck.

Yara grinned, leaning down to give me the kiss she knew I yearned for. Our lips touched, but I parted mine and Yara let her tongue meet mine in the middle. Our kiss was messy and filled with fervour, a similar feeling to her fucking me.

I had a hunger for Yara that I didn't understand. It strayed far from sexual and I had trouble making sense of it.

I wanted her. That was it. I wanted her to be in my life, and it wasn't only because I was inside of her while she throbbed around me. No, I wanted to protect her and tend to her and stupidly ask how the fuck her day had been. I pulled back, gazing up at the beautiful woman as if she had just given me the world.

"You okay?" she asked, running her fingertips over my chin. I kissed her knuckles, closing my eyes before glancing up at her again.

"Never better," I spoke the truth, hoping that Yara would feel the same.

"Me too," she whispered, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. "Me too, Vico."

I grinned, lifting her hips and finally departing from her. She moaned, tilting her head to look at my mess dripping out of her. It was...perfect. A picturesque moment I wished I could've captured. I was still hard and throbbing, a pure depiction of how it was impossible to get enough of her.

But it was early morning and the sun started rising on the horizon. Pushing myself up, I gently set Yara down on her back and made sure to grab a tissue from the bedside to stop her from messing on her sheets.

"Thank you," she told me, her voice sincere.

"You're welcome, mama," I murmured quietly, cleaning her up with what I could before taking her hand. "Want to clean up in the bathroom?"

"Yes," she said, spreading her arms and I couldn't help but smile at her. She wants to be carried. Of course, without hesitation, I took her in my arms and swept her off the bed.

It took a second to clean myself, and a bit longer to clean Yara but eventually, she was ready for bed. During the quick walk to her mattress, Yara had managed to fall asleep in my arms. How? I had no idea. She must have been exhausted.

Setting her down, I cleared the hair from her face and pulled the covers to her shoulders.

I bent over, kissing her on her forehead and wishing a silent goodnight to her. "Sleep well, beautiful."

Yara hummed, shifting for a more comfortable position and as creepy as it sounded, I could have stared at her until the sun brightened the room. I didn't, but I wanted to. Instead, I lied down next to her and felt content in knowing she was at peace.

With her own easiness in mind, I let sleep cloud my thoughts until darkness crept into the edges of my vision.

The next morning, I expected to wake up next to Yara.

I didn't, but I heard the distinct sound of her movement in the kitchen. I rolled over to my stomach, sighing as I closed my eyes again. That might have been the best sleep I had in a while. In years, possibly.

Peaking though my eyelashes, I noticed that the clock on the bed read noon. My eyes shot open, quickly realising that I hadn't slept past eight for as long as I could remember.

Even if I went to bed at sunrise, I'd wake up early and spend the day with a headache. This time, I felt well rested and had Yara to thank for it.

I wiped my face, turning onto my back with a groan.

I wanted to see her.

Why am I not cuddling her right now?

Frowning, I stared at the empty space next to me. I needed to get up. I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes, sated and happy with my sleep for the first time in ages.

I headed to her bathroom first, doing everything I needed to as quickly as I could. In nothing but my boxers, I headed over to the kitchen. As I entered, Yara was just setting a plate down on the round table. The second her eyes were laid on me, a smile made its way to her face.

"I hope you're hungry," she said, her smile clear in her voice.

"Starving," I told her, my heart warming as I approached her.

With a kiss on the top of her head, I pulled her chair out for her and thanked her for the spread. I was hungry, and everything looked delicious. But it wasn't the food that had me feeling on top of the world. It was the effort she put in and the happy smile on her face.

And her fresh face, and her partially wet hair. Or was it because she had a t-shirt on with nothing else and a glow to her skin? It could have been anything.

"Good," she said, sitting down and I joined her. "Let's eat."

After we had eaten, I glanced at the clock on the wall and felt my mood dampen immediately. Despite the good time I was having, I had duties I needed to tend to. I had responsibilities I had to uphold and I scowled at the thought of it. Is my warehouse still standing? I sighed, throwing my head back as I thought about the potential mess waiting for me.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to go to work," I said, my tone conveying how it was the last thing I wanted to do.

Yara nodded, her silence nearly deafening and I was struck with an idea.

Perking up in my seat, I looked at Yara. "Come with me."

"Where to?" she asked, her brows furrowed. "Work?"

"Yes, to work," I confirmed. The idea hadn't left my mind since I brought it up. Yara working for me. With me. It made sense. She had potential that I didn't want to waste, and she'd be protected in ways the both of us couldn't. "I want you to see if this is something that—"

"Yes," she interjected. "I'll come with you."

• • •

Read up to Chapter 36 on my patreon!

hope you enjoyed this chapter! also, im so sad wattpad dms are gone 😕

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