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That was too close.

My timing had been off completely.

I sat behind the wheel, driving off from the house we had just broken into and Vico side glared at me. He wasn't impressed. But I got what I needed and nobody got caught.

Rounding a corner, I headed back into the direction of Vico's home and watched the rear view mirror at the same time. Nobody was following us, but it had been too close for comfort and Vico's face showed how unhappy he was.

Why? I looked at him for a split second, finding that he wasn't looking at me but he had his phone in his hand and his eyes locked on the screen.

"Are you mad?" I asked, frowning at his profile.

He didn't waste time when he turned his phone face down and turned to give me his undivided attention. It was scary—almost.

The unhappiness radiating off him didn't go unnoticed, and I had a sinking feeling it was because I deceived him. In a way. Still, would he have done it if he knew I was stealing an important document that could me killed? Luckily, Mario's lawyer was an old fuck who wouldn't know a robbery if it hit him in the face.

"Do you trust me?" he asked, his voice serious and his gaze unwavering.

The light from the lampposts flashed on his face, allowing me to see the scowl between his brows. How can I answer that question?

Did I trust him with my body? Yes, I did. Did I trust him when it came to protecting me? I hesitated, struggling to find the right way to tell him that trust wasn't one smooth road.

I gave him another quick glance, sighing through my nose when my gaze returned to the dark road.

"What do you mean by trust?" I asked, slumping into the seat as I kept one hand on the steering wheel.

When he didn't say anything, I knew that it wasn't the right thing to say. Of course I trusted him enough to have him that close to me. Of course I trusted him enough to be vulnerable in his presence when he could slit my throat with one sweep.

But was it truly enough? It had to be, right?

"I do trust you, Vico," I murmured, changing direction and heading to a different place instead.

"Why did you lie and say we're going to your place? That's all I need to know," he said, and I bit my lip because I didn't have an answer for him.

I was scared he'd say no or talk me out of it. But the longer I sat there next to him, I realised how wrong I was. Vico would have walked me through that front door, like he said. But I had another feeling that he wasn't mad I lied to him—he was just genuinely looking forward to where I lived. Was that it?

"I don't know," I said. "I thought that you'd try to change my mind. Or tell me that it was a bad idea."

"Why the fuck would I do that?" he asked, his tone taken aback. "I'm on your side, hermosa. You know that, right? I'm on your side. I don't care if you steal Mario's entire life as long as you let me know you're doing it so I can help you."

For a moment, I didn't know what to say. Was that really how he felt?

Stopping at a red light, I took the opportunity to look at him. Long and hard. I searched his eyes, narrowing my own as I attempted to read him.

All I saw was sincerity and it dampened my mood when I understood that Vico had been on my side since our first night together.

He wasn't suspicious. Or secretive. He spoke the truth and he did a damn good job at it. From the honesty about his work, to the honesty about where he lived.

Yara |18+|Where stories live. Discover now