Demon Love

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Ship: SeroRoki

Setting: No Quirk AU

Story type: Smut

Top: Demon Sero
Bottom: Todoroki


Shoto is a 25 year old man who is considered to be a loner. He doesn't have many friends nor does he have a lover. In fact, Shoto is still a virgin.

After celebrating his 25th birthday, he decided to try to summon something. Something dark that could fulfill his deepest desires.

But the demon he summoned had a better plan and decided to make Shoto his.


“Happy Birthday again, Sho!” Midoriya said as he hugged Todoroki.

“Thanks, Zu.” Todoroki smiled. “And thank you for spending my birthday with me.”

“Anytime.” Midoriya smiled. “But I truly have to go before Kacchan kills me.”

“Go.” Todoroki said, chuckling.

“Thanks for understanding. Bye, Roki.” Midoriya waved, heading to his car.

“Bye.” Todoroki waved back.

Todoroki closed his front door and sighed.

Another Birthday where he was alone. He didn't actually mean alone because Midoriya came over, but he didn't have a partner. He was even still a virgin.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of his friends. They both had partners, while he has always been by himself.

And there's a number of things that contribute to that, but the main reason was Shoto was too shy to talk to anyone.

He went back to room and flopped on his bed. He was going to get comfy but a big thump caused him to look up.

He walked over to the sound and found a book that fell. It was a summoning book Denki, his other friend who couldn't make it today, had given him as a joke present last year.

The book happened to open on a summoning ritual called the “Virgin spell”. It piqued Shoto's curiosity.

He read it over. It was a spell to summon a demon to take a virgin's virginity.

“Would this even work?” Shoto asked out loud. “What the hell? It probably isn't really any way. What could go wrong?”


Shoto had everything set up. All his lights are off. 12 candles in a circle. He drew the symbol on the paper and placed a red candle in the middle of it. Then he waited until 12 am.

Once 11:58, he lit all the candles.

“Everything seems to be correct. But all that is needed is the blood of a virgin.” Shoto said, reading over the pages.

He cut his finger and let his blood drip until it extinguished the red candle.

The candle sizzled and for a second Shoto thought it worked, but when the candle went out, he chuckled.

“I can't believe I was convinced there for a moment. That made me feel like a teen again.” Shoto chuckled as he closed the book.

But as soon as the book closed, Todoroki's room started to rumble.

He looked around shocked and fearful. “W-what? An earthquake?”

He looked at the summoning candles and he saw that the middle candle was releasing black smoke.

Todoroki x MHA characters One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now