"Come on, almost there, Ambercloud. Your doing good." Whispymoon whisper into her friends ear. Berryleaf watching closely passed a thick stick to Ambercloud, " here, bite on this when the pain comes, it wont be long now." Ambecloud's only response was a grunt of pain, then a shriek, muffled by the stick in her mouth. Starclan, help me! The pain almost faded when she heard Berryleaf say "its a shecat, quick Whispymoon, lick it to help her start breathing!" A warm, damp bundle of fur was tucked into the curve of Ambercloud's belly, she was just about to bend over and lick it when another sharp pain attacked her... "A tom, strong too." Another scrap of fur, "looks like one more. Ambercloud, can you hear me, you look sick." Whispymoon said worriedly. "She should be fine, can you fetch her some water." Berryleaf spoke calmly, but there was an edge too his voice. If Ambercloud passed out, she and the kit could be in danger. "Is this enough?" Whispymoon had a wad of moss with more water than the lake in it. "Put it down." So thirsty. Ambercloud reached over for the moss when the final kit decided to come. Ambercloud's vision was starting to get blurry. "Hurry, get it bre-" her eyes rolled behind her head and everything went black.