Chapter six

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Darkpaw was still, her fear scent growing stronger. Hooooooooooooooooooowl! it was coming closer. Darkpaw hoped Koipaw didn't hear it, he might try to get out and find her. Hoooooooooooooowl ! It was so close! But she didn't dare move. It could put her brother in danger. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Whatever it was... Was RIGHT BEHIND HER!!!!!!
- Mousepaw's P.O.V-
"Okay, its okay, we will find Koipaw in the morning right? We will be the first cats up, if not Ambercloud. "
He waited. In the apprentices den. The other two had already gone to sleep. He crawled over to Darkpaw's nest.
"D- Darkpaw? Are you here? " no answer. He stayed quiet. He knew Darkpaw had entered the camp with him. She must have gone in search of Koipaw and Flashtail. Looking around camp, hearing nothing but worried whispers from the Warrior's den, he began to skulk his way out of camp. "Where are you going, Mousepaw?" It was Whispymoon.
"D-d- dirt place?" He thought quickly. " is that an answer, or a question. I know you were going to find Koipaw and Flashtail." He looked her in the eyes, "not only, Darkpaw is missing too." Whispymoon looked confused. "Didn't she come in with you?" "She left. I am going to find them, no matter what." He ran.when he was sure Whispymoon wasnt with him, he slowed down and began to look for a scent trail. Hooooooooowl. What the fox? What was that!?!?!? He ran franticly, until he saw a dark shape against the night. He let out a vicious grrrrrrrrrrowl. "GASP." that sounds like Darkpaw! "D-Darkpaw? Is that you? Where is Koipaw?" Oof! He was squashed by an apprentice sized bunch of black furr. " I am soo glad you are here . Were you the one howling?" Mousepaw shrunk down. "Y-you mean-gulp- that w-wasn't you?" Darkpaw hopped off him. "N-no. But quick, we need to get these herbs to Koipaw, he broke his leg, come on!" Mousepaw didn't even notice the sharp smelling coltsfoot. He helped Darkpaw nip off a few stems, the followd her to an abandoned foxhole. "There here?" Mousepaw asked. "No, only Koipaw."
Koipaw was fast asleep. "What do we do?" Mousepaw pawed the ground nervously. "I don't know. Let me ask." What does that mean. I have no idea?!

- Darkpaw P.O.V --

"Mapleshade? Can you hear me?" No answer. Darkpaw opened her eyes, in front of Koi paw, woth a wad of wet moss in her paws, was Mapleshade. "I am no medicine cat, but i do believe, you crush the herbs into a pulp, and then rub it on the broken leg. Try." She faded into nothing, but left the moss behind. "Darkpaw? Can you hear me." She forgot about Mousepaw for a second, and began chewing the comfrey. When it was a pulp, she spat it out onto Koipaw's leg, and began liking in the rhythm oh his heartbeat. Koipaw stirred in his sleep. "Flashtail! Look out!" He rolled over, but woke up when his leg moved. "Ouch!!" " lie still, Darkpaw is putting gunk on your leg." Mousepaw said worriedly, apart from the herbs on his leg, Koipaw smelled terrible. "Mousepaw, can you pass him the wet moss." Mouse paw, wondering where it came from, got the wet moss and set it down beside Koipaw's muzzle. Hoooooooooowl!
The three cats looked at each other in horror. "Guys. What was that?" Koipaw was looking franticly through the darkness of the little cave. "We don't know." They didn't mention that they had heard it earlier. "Can we go home? I dont want to be here anymore!" Koipaw sounded like a lost kit, Darkpaw couldn't blame him, his poor leg was bent at an awful angle. "We cant leave. DoofusClan has been crossing our border at night, its too dangerous." Mousepaw said," and how would you know? As far as i know, this is your first time out at night." Oh No! They might not believe me. "A cat told me, now are going to argue, or stay alive the rest of the-" HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWLL!!
It was RIGHT OUTSIDE! Koipaw whimpered and curled up as best he could. Mousepaw ducked and shrieked. Darkpaw, the only one of them who trained at night was their only option of survival. I am with you. The voice of Mapleshade gave her strength, as she exited the foxhole...

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