"Your first assessment, is too hunt for your clan, you will be going to the tall trees. You have until sunset, and know, i will be watching you." Viperstrike sent Darkpaw off, just as the sun was appearing. Look between the roots, there is a rabbit. A familiar voice ran in her head. Mapleshade? Is that you? Yes, now hurry! Darkpaw, confused, and focused alike she peeked behind the roots, and sure enough, there, right where Mapleshade said there would be, was a light brown bobtail rabbit.she killed it quick and clean, and to think, nearly a moon ago, she was only a kit. Look up, Darkpaw, a squirrel! Mapleshade interrupted her thoughts. She climbed the tree next to it. The squirrel ran. Straight into the paws of a mostly ginger tortoiseshell. "Mapleshade, what are you doing here?" Darkpaw hissed, but before she got an answer, Mapleshade was gone, and in her place, the squirrel. Woah. She continued on with the assignment, with not another word from Mapleshade. When sunset came, she had a total of : the squirrel, the rabbit, and a nest full of mice.(5) Viperstrike helped her carry the load. "You have done wonder full, better than i did on my first assignment."
On her way into the clearing she met up with Mousepaw. "Have you seen Koipaw?" "No, isn't he with Flashtail?"
"I haven't seen either of them since sunrise." Said Dappletail. "Do you think they're in trouble?" Swiftbreeze said, as he, Foxshadow, Redpaw and Flowerbreeze came in from patrol. "Did you see Koipaw or Flashtail?" "No, why?"
"Whats going on? Whats all the commotion?" Whispymoon ran out of the nursery, her kits racing behind her. "We cant find Koipaw or Flashtail!" Sharpstone and Jacklestar hushed the clan. "We cant have any cats out after dark, that is when doofus clan hunts, anycat seen after the sun sets, is little more than prey to them. We will send search parties at dawn. That is the final answer." Leafclan, worried and tiresome, began to settle down, not speaking their fears for their lost clanmates. "Hey! Where are you going?" Darkpaw turned around. "M..Mapleshade, is that you." "Who else, com on, we have to find them." "Why are you helping me?" Mapleshade turned away," Because i know what it feels like. Now come!" She followed Mapleshade into the darkness. "What did they mean, doesn't doofus clan have their own territory?" Mapleshade was quiet for a moment. "They do, but they have been crossing your border at night, killing cats, that is why your clan has so few warriors." Darkpaw thought for a second "Mapleshade, how do you know all of this?"
"I have been travelling, for a long time, until i found this place. LeafClan was weak, they needed the help of the soon to fade." Darkpaw didn't understand, but she let Mapleshade lead her on, farther into her territory. "Can you smell them, Darkpaw?" She stopped and sniffed. There was a foxhole a few tail lengths away. Darkpaw walked up to it. It was abandoned, but there was something in there, hopefully, two somethings. She walked in, not checking to see if Mapleshade was behind her or not. "Hello?" She whispered into the darkness. " D-D-Darkp-Darkpaw? I-is that y-you?"
"Koipaw, what in Starclan happened?" Koipaw took a deep, shaken breath. "I fell o-out of a t-tree, a and i, F-Flash t-tail
S-something is wrong w-with my leg, to-told me to h-hide a an-" "shhhh, let me smell it, which leg ?" " l - left, hind -" his head dropped to the ground, he wasn't unconscious, but Darkpaw needed to examine her brother's leg. Hmm, maybe- it is broken! Mapleshade entered her thoughts. He needs a herb called comfrey there is a patch,near here, i will get him soaked moss. Darkpaw told Koipaw not to move the tiniest bit. And scurried off. Less than four rabbit hops away was a strong smelling plant this must be it, just when she bent down to get some, she something howl in the darkness...