Chapter one

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Four moons later....

"Shove over, Mousekit!" "Why don't you!" "'Cause I'm not a mouse, mousebrain! Shove over" " Koikit, Mousekit. What are you two arguing about now." Ambercloud tried to sound strict, but she was too proud of her kits to be angry for long.
Mousekit was a light brown tom, koikit was an orenge and white tom, and Darkkit was a pure black shecat.
"Why cant you too be like your sister. Go play with her." "But I don't want to play with her. She is always so boring." "Yeah." Darkkit was by herself, stripping a leaf from its stem. "I want to play pounce, but no cat wants to throw the mossball." "I will play with them, if you want a break." Whispymoon padded up silently beside Ambercloud. "Are you sure, they can be such a handful." Whispymoon sized up the two kits." Im sure i can handle it. Hey, darkkit, do you want to play too?"she asked the little black kit "okay." They played until Sunhigh, when the clan was sharing tungs.
"Hello,Whispymoon, are you busy?" Krestlewing asked nervously.Whispymoon gave a quick glance to Ambercloud, who nodded. "Would you want to share a mouse quickly, I'm going on border patrol later." "Okay" she hurried off with her mate.
"Kits, come to the nursery, nap time."
"But i don't want a nap" the three said in total synchronization. Even Darkkit got argumental sometimes.
"But you will be grumpy if you don't have a nap now."
"No" "nope" "uh uh"
"Why not"
"Not tired." Lots of energy" "i don't know."
They ended up having naps anyways.
Darkkit's dream
She was in a forest. Wow! This place is huge! "Hello?" The trees stretched into an endless sky, filled with stars.
"Wooooooow? She began to wander around. But the scene soon shifted..
The sky turned red, the silver trees became brittle and black and dead, the soft grass moss stuff became slimy and stinky. "Woah, whats happening?" She whispered. Somecat was watching her. Or at least, she hoped it was a cat. Darkkit slowly turnd around to see an icy yellow pair of eyes staring directly into hers.
Darkkit stared back. Accepting this challenge, even though she was only five moons old.
"You best go home now." Her voice had that tone that meant...GET OFF MY TERRITORY, just creepier. The cat steped out of the shadows and revealed herself to be a mostly ginger tortoiseshell. She looked like she had been in many battles. She also looked like a mean type of cat. Darkkit showed no fear. "Who are you. Why am i here." She tried to sound big, but the big cat put her tail on Darkkit's shoulder, chuckled to herself and said, "might i ask the same for you." Ambercloud always told Darkkit and her brothers not to speak to strange cats, unless they had stars in their fur. This cat looked like she was incased by shadow. But she would probably never see this cat again. "My name is Darkkit."
The shecat smiled. "I am Mapleshade."
And with that, the dream faded and she awoke to her nest in LeafClan camp.
"Darkkit!" Darkkit had totally zoned out and missed the moss ball that had flown right passed her claws. She had been thinking about her dream last night. Ambercloud padded towards the three kits." You three need to quiet down, Whispymoon has had her kits and she needs to rest." Darkkit, Koikit, and Mousekit chatted excitedly, "what are thier names? When can we play? Are their eyes even open? How is whispymoon feeling? Where is Krestelwing, does he know?"
"If you are quiet, come in and we can talk, but remember they are still very young, you must be gentle with them.

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