"Swiftstride, has Viperpaw learnd the warriorcode and shown promise during her training?" "Yes, she has."
The wholeclan was gathering to see Viperpaw's warrior ceremony. "Viperpaw, do you promise to protect and defend your clan, even the cost of your life?" Viperpaw took a deep breath and she said, "i do"
"Then by the powers of starclan, i give you your warrior name. Viperpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as ViperSTRIKE." Jacklestar rested his head on Viperstrike's shoulder and she licked it respectfully. The clan cheered
"Viperstrike! Viperstrike!" Swiftstide, Dapplewhisker, Flashtail, Krestelwing, Flowerbreeze and Foxshadow all congratulated her. The clan needed more warriors. Wich reminded darkkit that her aprentice cerimony was less than a quartermoon away! Who would be her mentor? What would she learn first? I cant wait! She thought to herself.********
Mousekit, from this moment on, until he earns his warrior name, will be Mousepaw. Krestleflight, would you like to mentor Mousepaw?" "I would be honoured." They touched noses and sat down to make room for Koikit, whose mentor was flashtail, and finally, Darkpaw, whose mentor was Viperstrike. She had been a warrior long enough, but she would be learning too.
"What are we doing first, Viperstike?" Darkpaw said eagerly, crouching and rolling on the ground around her. "Well, you need a place to sleep, don't you, lets go find a nice space for you in the apprentice's den." I totally forgot! I sleep with the apprentices now! She hurried off to her new den with Viperstrike close behind her. "Hey, Darkpaw, you can sleep her, between me and Redpaw, but watch out, he kicks in his sleep sometimes." Grizzlypaw said kindly to her." Thanks." She padded down the moss to put her scent on it. "Is there any room for us?" "Of course there is, there are only five apprentices, Mouse brain." Koipaw and Mousepaw pushed each other into the den. "Hey you guys, you two can sleep over hear, with the cool cats." Redpaw said jokingly, with a smile toward the she cats. Grizzlypaw's mentor, Swiftstrike, and Redpaws mentor, Dapplewhisker, came to the den entrance. Com on you two, time to hunt." The two hurried off with a smile and a flick of their tails in goodby. "We should probably go two." Mousepaw said, licking his brown fluffy chest. The three hew apprentices left their new den. Their mentors were waiting for them outside, discussing which hunting crouch was easier. "Whats the difference?" Darkpaw asked curiously. "You will find out soon enough. Viperstrike said." "Mousepaw, I will be showing you and Koipaw our territory with Flashtail." Krestelflight said. The four left the camp, Darkpaw wouldn't see them till sunset, the territory was huge."what are we doing?" Darkpaw said distractedly as a butterfly landed on a leaf beside her. "Well, I'm teaching you the different ways to stalk, you seemed interested, and you have to learn it sometime." She followed her mentor out of the camp entrance. "Wow! This almost looks like the place in my dream, except, the trees were silver and taller and more pretty." Viperstrike eyed Darkpaw curiously, but said nothing.
They came to a large clear space with soft moss and sand. "Is this the training place?" Darkpaw asked, pouncing on the new ground. "Yes, it is. Here is where you will be learning battle technics, and hunting strategies." She sad down on the edge of the pit. Show me your hunter's crouch." Darkpaw crouched low, keeping her tail straight, not touching the ground, it could disturb undergrowth, and not to high, so it didn't disturb the leaves. "Easy, Grizzlypaw taught me this."
"Good job." She got a moss ball. "This is a mouse. Mice will sense your footsteps before it smells you so..." Darkpaw thought for a moment. "So, i have to step lightly, keep my weight in my haunches?" Viperstrike smiled."exactly! Try it out, stalk and strike." Darkpaw did as she was told. "Well done, you are a fast learner, try this, now, the moss is a rabbit. Rabbits have good..." "Hearing, so i have to stay super quiet!" Viperstrike nodded and tossed the moss ball. "Stalk and strike." Stepping lightly as she could, keeping low to the ground, she got within pouncing distance. "Got it!"
They continued all day, until they were too tired to go on. "You did well, i see promise in you."Darkpaw smiled and joind her littermates at the small rock where the apprentices ate, and went to sleep.