A shrew, Two mice, a squirrel, two thrush and a water vole. Darkkit, her brothers, Grizzlypaw and Redpaw went on a mini hunting party, being watched by their mentors, not quite an assignment, but it helped the Clan, and their warrior training. "Good job you guys, we might have enough for a feast." Dapplewhisker had commented. The other mentors agreed. That afternoon, Emberglaze was the happiest cat you've ever seen, with the biggest thrush you've ever seen.
Whispymoon and her kits, Bouncekit and Reedkit came out of the nursery pretending to be DoofusClan warriors.
"I am Dumbstar!"
"No! I am Dumbstar"
"No, you're Retardface!"
"Its your turn to be Retardface!"
"Im not going to be Retardface!"
Mousepaw and Koipaw were sneeking up behind them.
"Arg" "hiss" "get off" the two kits squealed and the warriors all laughed at the scene," thats what happens to DoofusClan warriors when they are in LeafClan territory!" Koipaw growled playfully. "Yeah, but you look a little young to battling for leadership." Reedkit and Bouncekit counter attacked them and they ended up on the ground trying to catch their breath."lets call a truce." It was getting dark, and the clan had duties to do tomorrow.********************************************
She was in a hollow, like the training place in LeafClan territory, but she knew she would find Mapleshade here. Hissss. "Who-" before she could finish her sentence, she was squashed. Somecat was attacking her. Relying on nothing but her in stink, Darkpaw went limp, hoping her attacker would release their grip. It worked! With all her strength, she pushed the cat off,clawing them fiercely in the process. She turned to face her pursuer with a growl in her throat, but to her surprise.... "Mapleshade!" She was sitting down, a vicious scratch down her flank. "Well done, for your first fight. I liked the part where you went limp, good strategy. You could use some claw work, and more balance, we will work on that too." Darkpaw looked at Mapleshade in awe. The cat who just brutally attacked her was having a friendly conversation with her. She checked her flanks for wounds. She had a bite on her tail, she wrenched a claw and her ear was torn, other than that, she looked fine. "Were you even listening, i said, what do you want to work on first, pouncing, or balance."
Darkpaw spoke with no thought, "i don't know." "Okay then, we will star simple then work harder." She took Darkpaw to a small log, its bark was striped off, and it looked like it would roll away any second. "Get on." Mapleshade held one end steady while she claimed on. When Mapleshade stepped off, the log began to wobble. " don't loose your footing, stay on as long as you can." Darkpaw stayed on the log for about as long as it took to run across the camp clearing, until she plummeted muzzle first into the slimy dirt. "Try again, this time, move your paws to where you need more balance." They continued on until one time, Mapleshade got ton the log with her. "Attack me. But stay on the log." Darkpaw steadied herself, ready to pounce. As soon as she did, Mapleshade crawled under her mid-leap, and she landed on the wood of the log. Behind her. "Again." Mapleshade hissed. This time, Darkpaw looked at Mapleshade's paws, but when she jumped, landed square on Mapleshades shoulders. Mapleshade stayed steady then buckled up on her hind legs, and threw Darkpaw off, while she was falling, she clawed onto the log, and came up behind Mapleshade. "Well done." And with that, she was dismissed from her dream, and awoke to Grizzlypaw shaking her. "Come on, today is your first assessment, you cant be late for Viperstrike ." Darkpaw shook her off. "Im awake, I'm awake."