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I threw my head back on the driving seat as the traffic is getting worse and worse

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I threw my head back on the driving seat as the traffic is getting worse and worse. I have a very important meeting at 1:00pm at it's already 12:46pm how in the world will the reach Jeon corps in under 10 minutes.

I saw the traffic signal turning green from a distance and somehow a sigh left my mouth. I finally pressed the clutch and gradually pressed the accelerator down to build up speed. I only have few more minutes before I screw things up and I can't. This interview is one of my life's most precious ones, just getting the chance to interview with them is considered as a really big achievement while here I am who got late because my right eye eyeliner was not coming well.

After the traffic cooled down the road seems to be empty thank god, god does love me after all.

I increased the speed until I reached my destination. I hurriedly parked my car and ran towards the building trying not to ruin my outfit. I looked at my watch and I have 3 more minutes left. I got inside the elevator but why isn't it moving? Shit am I stuck? This is how I'm going to die? Oh my god what's happening why isn't the elevator moving?

A red sign caught my attention as I turned my eyes towards it. Oh, I didn't press which floor I'm going to. I panicked for no reason.

Without wasting another second I hurriedly pressed the key. The elevator door opened revealing a luxurious room. The floors shining brightly as the white marble tiles took the spotlight,.

I anxiously looked at my watch again and my heart bloomed with happiness, I'm just one minute late. Thank god.

"Kim Jisoo" a nerdy lady came out of a room calling my name out loud. It's my turn for the interview.

I walked towards the room slowly, I could feel my heartbeat rising against my chest every second. I slowly pushed the door and entered the room.

There it was the man who's behind the success of Jeon Corps, Jeon Jungkook. Just as I saw a glimpse of him I felt like I would faint right here.

His body covers in black suit, some of his jet black hair falling towards his eyes covering them, his pale smooth skin looking like butter, and top top it all of his siren eyes were taking place all over me. He is looking like a whole damn meal.

Shit jisoo focus!!I shrugged my dirty thought away and focus on my goal of coming here.

He was talking with some other man about some files that's when I got his attention, I could see him looking me from up and down analysing my every movement.

Without wasting another second I hurriedly bowed at him. "Good morning, I'm Kim jisoo" I said putting my bio data on the table. That's when I realised it's noon, it's almost 1.00pm.

I have heard first impressions is the best impression and I definitely get that one right.

He doesn't seems to take his eyes off me, he was staring at me as if I have fucked up.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ;Where stories live. Discover now