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"Be my girlfriend" it's either two options why he's doing this

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"Be my girlfriend" it's either two options why he's doing this. one, he might really want this gorgeous, amazing, beautiful, funny, and on top the most loveliest girl to be his girl for real, which I doubt. Or he wants me to be his fake girlfriend which makes more sence.

"I already did a favour for you, so you own me one and I'm asking it right now, be my fam girlfriend." So option two was right. I mean he did help me in a really hard situation, he saved me from getting married to that monster and I'm thankful to him for that. So I also gotta help him.

"I'm okay with it.." I said and after a long pause he finally talked "don't expect anything from me, we only act romantic when we are infront of your parents or Tzuyu. Also don't even think about getting close to me" oh god, he really gets on my nerves, who the fuck even wants to go close to him? Well maybe that Sana and Tzuyu wants to but no me. I nodded my head and walked out of his cabin.

I closed the door behind and was about to walk to my cabin when I saw the figure of the same lady standing right infront of me. Oh god what the fuck does she want.

"If you are done staring at my beautiful face, get lost" I smirked at her and turned to go but she stopped me by pulling my hand. "What the fuck!" I shouted and freed my hands from hers.

"Your name is jisoo?" She asked with an absolute cunning smirk. "Well duhh.." I smiled.

"Okay so hear me out miss jisoo..stay away from jungk-"

"What if I don't" I didn't even let her finish and stated.

"You are so brave, aren't you"

"If that is what it is, then yes. I am fucking brave."

"You know who my dad is" okay there you go, the utter nepotistic dialogue every rich bitch says. "No, sorry. Ask your mom. She might remember which one it was." I replied

"You bitch-" without wasting another second she pulled my hair dragging me to an ugly fight. I grabbed her hair in the same force and using another hand removed her hand from my head and kicked her with my foot.

She fell back on her butt and I looked her at with a pathetic smile. "Never ever touch me again, or else it won't end with just a ass crack" I warned and let the security take the job over.


Today's work was done, I never had such an exhausting day in my life. Staring from the morning itself I was fucked, had a fight with a bitch, attended two meeting in which one was two hours and the other one was about three and a half hours. Then spend another 2 hours on drafting some email. I never thought being someone's assistant was this much work.

I closed my laptop and entered the elevator. I pressed the ground floor as it's where I parked my car.

I walked out of the elevator, entered my car and started it. What the fuck? Why isn't is turning on?? Oh my god. I again tried to press in the key and start the car but the engine was not turning on.

I stepped out of the car looked at the engine, well I no nothing about car engines so staring at this is only a waste of time.

I should book a taxi before it gets too late. I hurriedly ran my hands over my pocket but I couldn't find my phone. I opens the car door and took out my bag and searched for my phone and finally thank god I got it.

Wait. Do not fucking tell me my phone is out of battery. I swear I'll cry right now. Oh my god why isn't my phone turning on too...

That's when I heard the lash down of heavy cloudburst.

Such a nice day to be stuck without a car, phone and the worst weather condition ever. Oh no..how will I go home now.

I should probably go to the highway and search for a taxi.

I locked my car and walked towards the entrance gate. Fuck it's raining hard.

I took off my coat from my body and held it above my head. I can see no single thing..I'm getting drenched in the fucking rain water and I can't even see a single taxi.

Yesterday when I was going back home the streets were filled with both occupied and non occupied cabs but now not even one.

No matter how hard I try to look bold from outside, inside I'm dying from anxiety. This office is not situated in a nice area, I mean it is in a open, really busy town but right infront if our office there's some kind of pub or club where rich people come to get wasted and I have heard about some girl getting carnal abused in broad daylight. I can't imagine what will happen at night.

"Hey sweetie" I flinched as a voice came from behind. My heart almost skipped a beat, I didn't even know someone was behind me. I quickly turned back to see who it was..I couldn't see the face properly due to the heavy downpour but wait..Lee Taeyeon?

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