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Ohh godd, the way the traffic in Seoul is soo fucked up!! I rang the horn again but the car infront of me was taking a u-turn slower than a freakin turtle! I have to be present at the office before my boss arrives which means I should be there bef...

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Ohh godd, the way the traffic in Seoul is soo fucked up!! I rang the horn again but the car infront of me was taking a u-turn slower than a freakin turtle! I have to be present at the office before my boss arrives which means I should be there before 10:00am! And it's 9:26am. I can't be late on my first day itself. And that guy is looking for a opportunity to fire me.

If I get late today, it means I just have him a free pass to get me fired.

As soon as the car infront of me finished crossing the road, I pressed the accelerator fastly and left there in 150kmph.

I finally reached the company and without wasting a second I looked at my watch! OH MY GOD!

I AM EARLYYYY!!! I have never been this much happier in my entire life, it's only 9:38!! I still have plenty of time to get everything ready.

I entered the building and gave my appointment file to the lady sitting in the reception. "Hi, I'm Kim Jisoo. I got appointed as Mr.Jeon's assistant from today" i said with a warm smile. "Oh Yeahh, your cabin is in the 6th floor ma'am. And here is the schedule of Mr.Jeon" she said and handed me a file. I thanked her and entered the elevator and went to 6th floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a cold breez hit me. God this guy is soo rich. The tiles were marble and the entire room was chilled like ice. It looked like a private area.

I slowly looked around and there's only 5 cabins in this floor and a extravagant room which should be Jungkook's . And the four cabins were occupied. So the empty one should me mine.

I made my way to the empty cabin and placed my bag there. The other four people didn't even notice I was here, they all are strongly focused on there work.

To grab there attention I cleared my throat in a very specific way as all 8 eyes were stuck onto me. I awkwardly showed a smile. "Hi, Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Jisoo working as the assistant of Mr.Jeon from today" I introduced myself and waited for the others to reply. And for my surprise a brown haired girl walked up close to me in a very damn rude way and smirked. "I'm sana, Jungkook's classmate from highschool. You can be his assistant but he likes me doing all his work and he gets satisfied only if I do those work myself" she laughed and looked at me in a very creepy way. God what the fuck is wrong with woman these days. "so get ready to loose your job honey" she said trying to mock me. Who the fuck does she think she is.

"If he liked YOU doing all his work, then why are you not his assistant" I clapped back earning a chuckle from the others which made me clear the everyone here hates her. "You-" she was cutted off when her phone rang. "I'll get you later" she said stomping away which made me chuckle. I looked back at the others and a tall guy approached me with a smile. "Don't mind her, she's a bit delusional. By the way Hi, I'm Wonwoo." He said forwarding his hand for a handshake. I gladly accepted it and smiled. "I'm Hoshi, I know you might misunderstand me for a tiger but trust me I'm a human." The blonde haired guy introduced himself which made me laugh. "You must like tigers a lot" I said which made him shy. Aww that's cute.

"He's the other delusional one of this department. And hi Jisoo, I'm Jihyo. Looking forward to work with you" the gorgeous woman standing infront of her table said. "Nice to meet you too everyone" I said and had a little chat with everyone.

After having a conversation with everyone of them, I went to my cabin and got ready for the work today. I opened Jungkook schedule/routine. The first thing I saw was "prepare hot latte for Mr.Jeon the moment he arrives. It should be ready at his table" shit. I have to go prepare coffee now. He'll be here in any minute.

I rushed to his room and found a coffee machine. I might suck at cooking but I'm pretty decent or should I say I devour at making coffee. It should be his luck to drink an amazing coffee made by me.

After preparing the coffee I placed it down on his table and the moment I stepped out of his room, the elevator door opened reveal the one and only Jeon Jungkook. I looked at the clock and it was sharp 10:00am. Not a single second late or early.

he was dressed in a all black suit with a velvet ret tie and oh boy, he looked so damn gorgeous. I could stare at him the entire day.

I followed him to his cabin as the rules mentioned that he should hear all his work of the day the moment he steps inside his room.

"Good morning Mr.Jeon. Your schedule for today is. You have a meeting with the CHOIs at 11:00am and a meeting with The KIMs at 11:45am. After that you'll be having lunch with Ms.Sana as Mrs.Jeon orderd. And at evening around 7:30pm you're invited for Mr.Mingyu's birthday party" i finally finished as he sat in his chair. I observed each of his moves and waited for him to try my coffee. He was about to take a sip but before that he spoke. "Cancel the lunch with Sana" he said which made me surprise. From whatever sana said before I felt like they two would be close but it doesn't seems like it now.

My thoughts were dragged away when I saw him taste my coffee. My face grew with expectations of him praising me for making an amazing coffee but for my surprise he made no damn expression on his face. His face was normal as if he just drank water. "If you're done staring at me, get out" he suddenly spoke making me kinda embarrassed. Without wasting another second I flew from the scene.


Here's the new chapter guys. Hope you enjoyed it. 🐝

And also so sorry for the late update. I'll try to post more often now as im on my Christmas vacation.

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