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why does he have to be this rude, I was just staying there to see weather he liked my coffee or not

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why does he have to be this rude, I was just staying there to see weather he liked my coffee or not. I rolled my eyes and went back to my seat.

That's when I remembered I haven't picked an outfit of my brother's birthday party yet. Shit. Now what am I gonna do. It's 11:00am and the party is at 7:00pm. I don't think I'll get time to purchase a dress.

Wait- Is Mr.Jeon invited to my brothers party? How did I not know about that. Oh goddd that's why it felt to familiar when I said "at 7:30pm, you're invited to Mr.Mingyu's birthday party" I was talking about my own brother Mingyu. Shit how did I not know about that.

I slowly put my head out of my table and tried to sneak in to know what he was doing. And for my disappointment he was just enjoying the coffee.

Suddenly a notification popped up in my computer and my eyes grew seeing it was from Mr.Jeon. He said "Come to my cabin right now" god am I fired already? But what did I do wrong?

I slowly walked towards his door and knocked on it to get permission and within seconds he said "come in" I opened the door, walked towards him and slowly bowed. "Why did you call me Mr.Jeon" I asked as politely as I could. "You are coming to Park headquarters with me now. Get ready" I looked at him with wide eyes. As well I remember, the park headquarters is in Busan. Why didn't he inform me sooner. It's my brothers birthday today I can't miss it, And I thought I could go buy a dress on my lunch break but now that's also not happening.

"R-right now?" I asked and he gave me a death glare "yes. Or when do you think I said" he said shutting my mouth. "B-but sir when will we be back?" I slowly asked him. I'm so sure that he might scream at me for asking questions after questions and I was right. I annoyed him. "ENOUGH WITH THE QUESTIONS. WE WILL BE BACK AT 5:00pm AND I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME BECAUSE MY DAMN SISTER IS ALSO COMING AND SHE NEEDS A COMPANY" I almost flinched back as he finished his words. I wait so I'm not going there to work? That's great. And Chaeyoung wanted as a company. Finally I'm gonna have some real friends.

"S-sorry sir. I'll get your stuff ready" i excuses myself and left his room. I left behind a deep sigh as I closed his door and walked towards my cabin and got everything ready.


They all were in the airport waiting for their private jet to arrive and I just stood not knowing what to do. Chaeyoung has not arrived yet, if she had came already, it wouldn't have been this awkward between me and Jungkook.

He isn't even looking at my face. His eyes are glued onto the computer screen. If he had so much work to do, then why is he even going to Busan now? He's The Jeon Jungkook, he could cancel and re-schedule a meeting however he wants and no one will even say a word against him.

I looked at my watch and there's 15 more minutes for the flight to arrive. God please don't let me miss my brother's birthday party. "Jisooyaaaa" a sweet voice was heard from behind and without a doubt I knew it was Chaeyoung. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I tuned back and smiled at her.

"Oh Ms.Jeon, you're here." I said bowing at her. She's my age and we both are friendly but I should keep my manners. "Oh comeonn, don't call me Ms.Jeon! Just call me whatever you want. You're my only friend in korea." She said handing over a chocolate to me. How in the world does she know I love this chocolates? These are only available in Australia. How did she even get this? "Oh my god, how do you know I love this chocolates? I'm obsessed with them" I said jumping in happiness.

"Enough with this." I suddenly stopped jumping and dropped my smile and tuned back to Mr.Jeon. Oh god I pisses him up. "I-I-am sorry" I said keeping my voice down. He was looking at me with narrow eyes. Hearing my said voice I think he felt bad because he didn't say anything back and walked away.

"Don't mind him sooyaa, sometimes he's like that." Chaeyoung said patting my shoulder. I nodded and smiled at her.


The meeting ended really soon than expected it was supposed to be a 3 hour meeting but it ended within 2 hours. And we have plenty of time left before our flight. What are we even gonna do. "Isn't it mingyu oppa's birthday today? I have seen him two-three times when he hangs out with jungkook oppa" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah, it's his birthday. But the thing is I don't have a outfit planned out yet." I openly told her as we both are close now. "Wait, we have plenty of time left, why don't we go shopping?" Chaeyoung asked all of a sudden. "Wait, that's a great idea, but will your brother agree?" I asked.

"It's okay, I'll make him agree." She said with a proud face before approaching him. I bet he won't agree if he know that we'll be shopping for me.

"Hey oppa. Can we go shopping? We have a lot of time left and poor jisoo, she doesn't have a outfit for her brother's party today." Chaeyoung said while looking ke with pity. She's a great actor. I smiled at her a bit and then looked at him.

He was aldready looking at me with his deep gaze. I gave him a helpless smile and oh wait...I saw a small curve forming in the corner of his lips. Did he just smile? LIKE SMILE? HE SMILED AT ME? I almost missed it though- it was a rare moment which only lasted 0.06second. But still he smiled.

"Within 30min, it should be done" he said looking at me. Chaeyoung jumped in happiness beside him and I also went to her and jumped in happiness while he was watching us both jumping in happiness. "Thankyouu Mr.Jeon. You're the best" I said hugging him and jumping, wait. Oh shit.


Here's a little update. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. 🐣🫶🏻

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