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Mingyu's dad suddenly announced the marriage of Jisoo who is now my personal assistant

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Mingyu's dad suddenly announced the marriage of Jisoo who is now my personal assistant. She was in a relationship? No I don't think so. I looked over to the guy and something about him I didn't like from the first glance itself. Dude I bet if Mingyu let his sister marry that dickhead, he's gonna loose all his priorities as a brother.

Like I would never ever even try to let Chaeyoung marry someone like him. But for my actual surprise she was standing up for herself. I never expected that but the fact that she actually did starts slamming her family for letting her marry is guy! Just wow.

I loved seeing her going against her family for doing her wrong. I'm not praising myself but in an outside perspective I feel like I suit her more than that dickhead. It's just a fucking perspective for fucks sake.

She might be annoying and clumsy as fuck but I gotta admit that it was nice seeing her stand up for herself. It made me proud for some reason. Fuck Jungkook. She's just another girl. Remember that.

I was enjoying watching this whole saga going on while I was taking a sip of my cocktail.
That's when I  heard her say that she has a boyfriend? The fuck she does? How come I didn't know? I'm her fucking boss. I should know that! Fuck the Choi guy, he'll be getting fired for not doing his job properly.

When I told him to get her personal informations, he never mentioned about her being in a relationship. That's when I got a notification pop up. It was Mingyu. What does he fucking want?


Kook, you gotta help me!!

First of all stop calling me that!
& what's it?

Can you act like jisoo's boyfriend?


Dude come on!  Please! I don't wanna let my sister marry off to that psycho. Please bro.


She lied about being in a relationship to get rid of this marriage. If dad finds out, he'll create a huge mess. Please dude he will only accept if jisoo has a boyfriend like you.

Why the fuck do I have to do that?

JK. Please. You also have a sister. You should know my helplessness.

Fuck, he activated my sentiments by mentioning my sister. But me? As her damn boyfriend? Ugh. Whatever I threw my phone on my pocket a waited for the correct moment to enter in this saga. If Mingyu didn't mention my sister, I would have never done this.

I was observing jisoo, I could feel her getting uncomfortable by the dirty looks given by that taeyong guy. Fuck I wanna rip his eyeballs off. Maybe because I was drunk.

She eyes was getting teary and teary every second. Why even is her parents forcing her? Can't they just let her love her life?

"Jisoo I won't let you be in a relationship with someone low status than us" her dad spoke. I scoffed. When did this guy become so high standards?

Mingyu is my best friend but I can't deny the facts. His dad used to beg my dad everyday to let him be a partner on my dad's office. And when my dad finally gave him an opportunity, he fucked up and stole many of our business tricks. This guy right there is not so pure.

"Since when is my standards low than you, mister Kim?" I asked earning a gasp from most of the people. Fuck I love the expression in his face. He looks shocked yet embarrassed. I could see Mingyu smirking from behind. I looked over jisoo to find her already looking at me dumbfounded. Fuck why is she looking cute? Ugh Jungkook!

"Let me introduce myself in a new way, good evening ladies and gentlemen, myself Jeon Jungkook. Chief executive officer of Jeon Corps and also the one and only boyfriend of the lady right here" i said pulling her towards me.

Jeon J-jungkook? My B-boss? H-he called me his girlfriend? Did he just saved me from this dramas?

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Jeon J-jungkook? My B-boss? H-he called me his girlfriend? Did he just saved me from this dramas?

As long as I know him, he never lies, he's known for his brutal truths. B-but now? He j-just...I clearly don't know what to think or do. I'm shocked.

I stood there dumbfounded while he pulled me towards him. Our eyes and chest met. He slowly came closer to my ears and acted like tucking my hair back while I was fully lost in him. "Act well lady." I suddenly snapped back to reality and quickly pulled away. To avoid the awkward situation I laughed. Fuck. I look stupid now.

"Jisoo is this real?" My mom asked pulling me to face her. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Yes mom? Anything wrong with it? If yes, then keep it for yourself cuz I don't give a fuck"
Since childhood they tried to rule over me like I'm a fucking toy for all their experiments.

They joined me to a unknown high class school to see whether their teaching was good or not. He didn't let me have a job till now cuz.. I don't know. They just never let me have one until my father himself said that I should be independent. And now he's going to make me marry a psychopath for his happiness. I have had enough.

I looked over to Jungkook. I'm actually thankful to him for suddenly coming up and standing with me. I thought he would be a selfish, rude, patheoguy but my respect for him grew.

"Come babe let's go" without hearing anything which others wanna say, I grabbed my boss's hand and walked out of the room.

We stormed out of the house and reached the front yard. I quickly loosed my grip from him and let his hands go. He chuckled. "I-I'm sorry"I said looking down. I know from the person I know, Jungkook is not someone who would help out in these situations but he did today. And for that I'm really thankful to him.

He didn't utter a single word, he just kept staring at me with his usual cold face. "Thankyou for earlier" I said trying to empty out the awkwardness. God..why does he keep staring at me?

The cold breeze was running through our body as his deep gaze made it even more better. "Your brother told me to" his deep voice slowly whispered. I moved my eyes from the ground to his eyes which was already stuck at me.

I took a little step towards him and grabbed a little piece of his shirt. Our gaze was still fixed in eachother. Without warning, his mouth is on mine. He kisses me roughly.
Completely unyielding. His hands are on the back of my head, holding me in place. And for a long, suspended moment, l'm frozen, unsure of whether I want to push him away. Then, all at once, heat spreads through me, and I thaw. kiss him back.
And, oh, it is good.

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