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Lee Taeyong

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Lee Taeyong. The one I hate to see. What's he doing here? Did someone invite me? No way that could happen. I placed my hair comb on the table and tuned to face him.

He hasn't changed a bit. But he has become more like a psychopath. "Hey dear" he said coming close to me. I did nothing, I just stood there dumbfounded. He sounded different, the alcohol everyday made his voice and entire personality change. "What are you doing here?" I asked but he just scoffed and placed the flower bouquet on my hands. Shit. They are tulips, I'm deadly allergic of them.

I quickly threw it away on his face. What the fuck? Does he wants to kill me or what? "What the actual fuck Lee Taeyong. Get out of my room" I shouted. His audacity to come to an un-invited party and to break into my fucking room. And for my surprise he was just standing there with a smile. "Ops, looks like you don't like my present that much" he mocked. I rolled my eyes. "Taeyong, get out of my fucking room right now." Without turning back and searched for the pepper spray I kept in the table. Thank god Mingyu bought me one. It's finally gonna be in use. There it is. I picked out the pepper spray and pointed at him. "Oh-Okayy chill baby. For now I'm going. But don't miss me too much" with that saying he left my room. I took a deep breath and sat on the chair.

Why's he back? What does he want from me? God please help me. Show me and wah to get rid of his annoyance.


I stepped out of my room, wearing the dress which me and Chaeyoung along with Jungkook bought. The hall was crowded, many businesses mans, and rich people were present including my brothers best friend Jeon Jungkook.

He hasn't noticed me yet, thank god for that. I stepped down the stairs and finally reached the ground floor. And from no where Chaeyoung ran towards me. "Oh my godd jisoo, you look hot" she said and hugged me. I chuckled.

And by the way, me and Chaeyoung has become best friends. "Says the prettiest" I said and gave her a tight hug back. We broke the hug and continued our conversation.

After a while Chaeyoung got a call and she went somewhere to answer it. Well great now I have to talk with these old ladies.

I gave a fake smile to a lady who was looking at me and calling me towards her. All the best jisoo. I said to myself before walking towards her. "Heyy Ms.Park. How are you" I did and sarcastic laugh and she also laughed. "I'm doing great honey, by the way you have become this old, when are you gonna get married?" There you go. The most typical question every Asian lady asks. Dude can't they just focus on their own fucking children's life,

"I'm just 24 lady, I don't plan to ruin my life by marrying at this young age like your daughter. If the time comes, then I'll inform you. Until then keep an eye on your own daughter" I could see the embarrassment in her face. It feels nice to see that. "If that's it, then I'm going" I said and walked away.

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