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He finally pulled back from the kiss "fuck" he murmured and I seriously don't know what to do

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He finally pulled back from the kiss "fuck" he murmured and I seriously don't know what to do. DID I JUST FUCKING KISSED MY BOSS!? I could hear loud party music from inside but it's just the both of us in the front yard. "Don't tell this to any fucking person" he ordered and I just nodded. His hands went through his hair brushing, I don't know why he's so mad. It's just a kiss. It's not gonna kill him or something.

"Y-you should go" I suggested. If he stays here any minute longer it will be awkward and embarrassing. "Dont tell me what to do lady" oh god such an annoying ass. He's the one who kissed me and now he's acting like it was all me!? Men are delusional.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked to my house leaving him behind all alone. Fuck that guy!


The party ended and I just got into my bed after changing. It was a whole mess today. Everything I hated happened. And my brother's birthday party got ruined by my ugly ass too. But luckily he cut his cake before all the mess so I'm a bit relieved about that. And Jeon Jungkook.

Oh god how am I gonna face him tomorrow at work? Already he doesn't like me and now I bet his hatered have increased.

"Hey Alexa, play 'fuck my life' by Seventeen" I shouted loud enough for the device to hear and opened up my laptop.

I really want to know about my boss. Why the fuck is he like this?

I opened Facebook on my MacBook and searched for his name and two things showed up, one is his business account and an another one which looked like, it was opened years ago. Maybe it's his personal account. It feels like he's not active in it anymore.

But anyways I'm gonna stalk.

The fist thing when I clicked on his profile was a pic of him standing with a girl.

It's posted 9 years ago

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It's posted 9 years ago..

And WHY THE FUCK DOES HE LOOK CUTE? Now he looks like a beast trying to chock your neck but in this he looks like a fucking cutie patootie. Is this really my boss?

And the girl..who might be she? His girlfriend? Ex girlfriend?

I got more curious by these two and stared scrolling more just to find many more pics of them and them being lovey dovey under the comment section.

Fuck I wanna know who this girl is!!

That's when it hit me, I should check his relationship status.

Without wasting another second, I scrolled up and finally reached the 'About' section.

And he's 'In a relationship' oh-

So maybe she might be his ex girlfriend because I haven't seen her anywhere now.

But bro how did this girl even held up with his Annoying ass? She should be given a FUCKINGG award for dealing with him.

Shit, it's getting late. I should probably sleep. I have work tomorrow!!

I closed my laptop and set it aside before turning off the lights and cover myself with the blanket.



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Fuck. I don't know what gotten into me, why the fuck did I kiss that girl? She's no one, she's just that one another gold digger.

She's the first girl I have ever kissed after that snake. And why her out of all these girls?

I sat in my bed with my hands running through my hair in annoyance. Fuck how will I face her tomorrow?

And now she's my fucking girlfriend infront of all these people. I swear if Mingyu didn't told me like that, she's no way in the fuckung hell I would do that.

Girls are pathetic. They do everything for money and lust. And I believe Kim jisoo is just like that too. Her being my friend's sister doesn't mean she's a saint. She must have planned this all along!


At office, 8:31am

Thankgod I'm early today

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Thankgod I'm early today. He has not reached yet.
I quickly placed my bag on my counter and and went towards his cabin to prepare coffee.

I feel like no one has found about about the things happened yesterday.

When I came in, all were busy doing their work except for Sana, she was flirting with herself looking in the mirror.


I finally finished preparing the coffee and at the exact moment the elevator door opened, revealing Jeon Jungkook. Oh god it's gonna be awkward

"Good morning sir" I said bowing. I should avoid yesterday topic and act like nothing happened. That's only gonna get me survive this hell without getting fired.

"Where's today's schedule?" He asked with a straight face. Oh god why am I getting a bad feeling about this? "It's placed on your table, sir" he nodded and walked to his cabin.

I took a long sigh and sat in my chair. Fuck I thought he was gonna fire me.

I was taken aback from my thought when I heard the elevator opening. Who could it be? No one is allowed to get into this floor otherthan the executive workers and the CEO himself.

I curiously waited for the person to get out of the elevator until she stepped out... what's she doing here? 

It's the girl from yesterday. The one I saw standing beside Jungkook.

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