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My palm turned into a fist, seeing her damn her

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My palm turned into a fist, seeing her damn her. She looks way more like a witch than before, after all that she has done to me how shameless is she to come find me again? Doesn't she have any shame at all?

"Kookie, she's your girlfriend?" Her eyes wide open. Does she really think she has all the love from me? If yes, then no it's not.

She was my everything, I treated her like a princess but what did I get in return? Her cheating ass and she really had the audacity to show her face to me again.

"First of all don't call me that, and yes! She's my girlfriend. If you are done you can go." I said and pulled jisoo closer to me, I hate doing this as much as he does but I have to. Atleast we both a getting a nice thing in return. She looks so confused, her face is wide awake like a donkey.

"Jungkook, I want to talk to you privately!" I swear I'm loosing my shit. All these years she had nothing to talk and when I become successful she suddenly wanna talk with me? That's absurd.

"Who even gave your the permission to get in? Get out before I call the cops!"

"Jungkook I-"

Did my boss just called me His Girlfriend again!? I don't understand any single shit that's happening here? Is she really his girlfriend? I guess

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Did my boss just called me His Girlfriend again!? I don't understand any single shit that's happening here? Is she really his girlfriend? I guess..

Jungkook placed his hands on my hip and pulled me even closer. "omg what are you doing?" I slowly whispered in his ears trying to put on a fake smile. Oh god I'm an extremely ticklish person, I would literally jump outta here if he move his hands again.

"stay still!" He sternly said as I stood like a statue. I looked over to that girl, I suppose her name is chewy or whatever. She was looking at me like she would kill me right now, bitch try!

"Kook I wanna talk to you privately, please" oh there she goes again. If shameless had a virtual representation, it would be her. Like bro he already told you many times to get lost and still she's clinging here like a koala, ops sorry a koala will get offended if I compare it to this bitch.

"Get an appointment if it's something work related, and if not I'm not having any conversation with you. Babe lets go" FINALLY he lifted his hands off my waist and held my hand. I swear I was holding my breath, trying not to laugh or jump as it tickled as hell.

"Kook wait-" he stopped his movement and looked back at her. One thing I don't understand is 'Why am I a part of whatever the shit is happening'

But it's fun, I always loved drama so bingo!

"Are you really leaving me to be with this loser?" The audacity of this fucking bitch. I really want to talk back but can I? I looked over to my boss's face as he nodded. He let go off my hands and put his hands on his pocket with a smirk on his face.

"Woman look who you are talking to! The loser here is You! Not me. I'm not the one who's shamelessly clinging on here when he literally told you to get lost. And yes, Stop bothering My Boyfriend" I said it. I could see the visible shock in Jungkook's face. I did that because he helped me when I was in need. He told everyone that he's my boyfriend to save me from that marriage. This is the least I could do to help him.

"I beg you are behind his money" she tried to shut me up.

I was about to speak and standup for myself but before that Jungkook interrupted me. " First of all You don't get to talk to my Girlfriend like that miss. And secondly She's not You!" Saying that he really held my hands this time and grabbed me to his cabin, leaving her behind.


As soon as we entered his cabin, he left my hands and sat in his chair. "Fuck!" He growled, punching the table. I flicked in the vibration but I was too scared to even breath. Why is he anygry so suddenly.

"S-sir, y-you okay?" I asked trying not to make him more mad but hahaha guess who failed at that, because he totally got extra mad and threw the files which was placed on the table to the floor.

I took a deep breath and looked outside the glass window to get a view of the sky, wow such a nice day to get fired.

I looked back to my boss to find him already staring at me. "Kim jisoo!"

"Y-yes sir" fuck why am I shuttering?

"Be my girlfriend." My eyes wide opened, I felt a huge bulk of oxygen getting trapped inside my throat. He wants me to be his girlfriend? whatt!!!??

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