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She marched towards me, but what I don't understand is, why is she here? I thought she might be his ex girlfriend but are they still in a relationship? Not like I give a damn about him, but my curiosity can't drop down too

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She marched towards me, but what I don't understand is, why is she here? I thought she might be his ex girlfriend but are they still in a relationship? Not like I give a damn about him, but my curiosity can't drop down too.

She was wearing a red spaghetti silk shirt, with a black lather skirt paired with black high heels. She looks rich, but she's different from the picture I saw her from. On the picture she looks nice and cute but now she looks a bit bitchy.

"Good morning miss," She sounds polite, her smile was enchanting too. So she is here to see him? "Good morning ma'am, how am I help you" if my brother hears this, he'll be surprised as hell because I never talk to someone this nicely. "I'm here to see Mr Jeon." Oh so as I expected she's here to see him. But why..?

"Ma'am do you have an appointment? I can only let you in if you have one" I tried my best to not sound sarcastic but I don't know, was it too noticeable because she rolled her eyes at me. Bitch I swear, One thing I hate the most is people rolling there eyes at me, like Bitch! Who do you think you are to roll your fucking eyes at me!!

Fuck if I was outside this damn building, I would have whooped her ass! But too bad I have to maintain my pretty face.

"Girl, just let me see him. It's not that big of a deal." She argued. Oh my god is this girl deaf? "Ma'am I can't let you in sorry!" And the way I have to call her rude ass "ma'am" oh godd,

Why did my dad even wanted me to get a job!?

"Bitch, just let me see him? Who the fuck are you to stop me huh? I could end your whole career. You pathetic loser!" That's it, I'm loosing my shit.

"Excuse me you dickhead, who the fuck do you think you are to call me a bitch? The real bitch here is you. You are the one who interrupted my work and started acting like a total asshole! Are you that dumb to not know that you need a fucking appointment to meet Mr.Jeon? Stop embarrassing yourself and get out before I call the security!" I shut her freaking mouth. Who the fuck does she think she is to call me a loser? Her face now looks like a rotten potato.

Me being nice and polite is a part of the job I'm doing, I should respect the visitors but that doesn't mean the visitor can humiliate me like that. I don't care what others say, I stood up for myself and I am proud of that!

"What's happening here?" My thoughts were shaken off when I heard his voice. I quickly bowed at him as he nodded. "Oh so here you are. Did you teach your staffs to be rude and arrogant to the visitors, Jeon?" There you go, as expected complaining like a toddler. That girl walked towards Mr.Jeon seductively, I see where this is going.

"Your staff called me a Dickhead, a bitch and a an asshole. Is that how your staff should treat your visitors." I'm sure he's not gonna take my side, I mean why would he? He's just my boss and that girl might be his girlfriend.

From the way he's looking at her, I can sence him feeling annoyed. He doesn't seems to be so interested in her but I maybe wronge.

"Is that true Jisoo?" His voice was stern. I looked over that girl annoyedly and saw her smirk at me. "Yes sir, I did call her a Dickhead, a Bitch and an Asshole" I said pointing out the words dickhead, bitch and asshole. He was just standing there with stern face and his hands in the pocket.

"See, she again called me those words." I don't know if that girl is trying to act like a victim or is just mentally not well, because from the way she is talking she really seems like a pick me.

"apologies!" He ordered. Huh but why should I? I thought he would atleast hear my side of the story. And of course I'm not gonna apologies to this bitch.

"Sir I'm sorry, but I cant apologise to this lady. I was just doing my job and she is the one who insulted me and called me those nasty words first. I don't think I did anything wrong and my decision is not gonna change." I sternly said. I saw a slight inch of this mouth curving. Did he just smirk?

He took a few steps towards me stood beside me, facing that girl. What's he doing.

"Tzuyu, I told you to apologies for being rude to my girlfriend."

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