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The moment I realised what I just did, I quickly backed away and I couldn't even look at his face

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The moment I realised what I just did, I quickly backed away and I couldn't even look at his face. Oh  god I should really stop getting so excited.

I looked over Jungkook and he was standing there with the most straight face ever. "I-im sorry" I said slowly trying not to sound annoying. I heard a little chuckle beside me that that chipmunk Chaeyoung was enjoying whatever was happening.

After I said sorry I expected a shout from him but for my surprise he didn't utter a single word and walked away.

Oh god why do I keep messing things up.

A T   T H E   S H O P

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A T   T H E   S H O P

I can't take my mind off about what happened today. How the heck would she hug me all of a sudden. After my mom, sister and..that girl, she's the first one to ever hug me.

This is the reason why I hate girls. All they want is attention and fame. I bet her motive is just like the one who betrayed me. But I'm not gonna fall for anyones honey traps anymore. I've had enough.

I watched both Chaeyoung and that jisoo licking a dress for her. I've heard Mingyu talk real good about his sister but I don't see anything good with her though. But if I say this to him, I'm sure a fist will fall upon my face.

When it comes to brotherhood, Me and Mingyu are same. We both can't tolerate anyone saying shit about our sisters.

I watched jisoo carefully the entire time, she doesn't seem that problematic but that's exactly my problem. Those who don't look problematic turns out to be the most witchiest ones. Just like her.

I don't turn trust girls anymore.

"Oppa, hows this dress?" Chaeyoung asked grabbing jisoo close to her. I lifted my eyes from my phone and looked over to the person.

Enchanting. She looks enchanting just like a goddess. The whole dress fitted her body perfectly and defined her body even more.

A small smile formed in my lips seeing the gorgeous beauty

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A small smile formed in my lips seeing the gorgeous beauty. But I quickly shrugged it off. Oh god what's happening to me. She's just a employee, a damn employee!

Chaeyoung and she Jisoo was waiting for my answer but I decided to ignore it and focus of my work and I drive back my attention into my phone screen.

Both of them looked annoyed but also disappointed and looked at eachother.

"If you are done, the flight will be here soon" I said trying to change the topic. "Oh yeah, we just have to bill this dress and it'll be all done"

"Give me I'll bill it and come, you both and go to the car" jisoo said taking the dress from Chaeyoung's hand. But she refused. "Noo, I'll buy it for you. After all we're best friends. And consider it as a gift from me" Chaeyoung said back.

"Noo Chaeyoungie, you can take me to a dinner when we reach Seoul if you want to treat me. But please let me buy this myself" jisoo pleased. She seems different. This is my first time seeing a girl asking to treat her food and not something expensive like cloths.

I watched her walk away with the dress and taking out her black card from her purse. She has a black card? If she's wealthy then why's she she working for me? Does she really want MY attention? Otherwise why would a girl with high wealth work under someone? It makes no sense.


I reached my home after a 1 hour flight from Busan to Seoul and for some reason I don't feel so exhausted. The whole plane ride was tge bickering of the two girls talking about different types of food and instant ramyeon and it made me nauseousZ why would someone eat noodles in a plastic cup when you can just go to a restaurant and order a high quality noodles.

But everytime I see the new girl, some kind of weird string is pulling me closer to her to get to know about her more. But I'm stopping myself. I don't wanna trust a girl anymore. I'm sick of it.

Oh god it's already 6 and the guests are slowly staring to come

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Oh god it's already 6 and the guests are slowly staring to come. I still haven't done my makeup yet. AND THIS EARRING IS NOT GETTING IN FOR SOME REASON. And finally done. After 5 minutes of struggle I finally adjusted my earring properly.

*knock* *knock*

"yesss, come in" i said fixing my earring one more time.

From the mirror, there I saw a man holding a bouquet of flowers in my doorway. He seems familiar wait...

W-what's he doing here?


Hello again. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any questions or doubts regarding this story, please feel free to ask and consider me as your friend. And also sorry for the short chapter. From tomorrow I'll make a bit more long chapters 🐝💗🫶🏻

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