Chapter 7: I like you

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    As Aurora woke up, she looked around the unfamiliar place until she found something familiar. Paige Bueckers laid in a futon on the floor next to the bed. As Rory looked around the blonde's room she found it to be exactly how she'd expected. Messy but not too messy, full of basketball jerseys, pictures of her family who she'd talked so much about, and an over door hoop. Rory slowly stood up as she noticed her pounding head but soon realized how terrible she actually felt. She walked out of Paige's room and into the kitchen. She quickly cooked breakfast for the both of them, eggs and toast which was her favorite breakfast back home. She prayed the athlete would like it. She walked back into the bedroom to find the futon empty and the sound of the running shower being the only sound. She placed the plate and a cup of orange juice down on the bedside table and sat down to eat her own breakfast at the basketball player's desk, which she hoped the other girl wouldn't mind. Soon Paige walked out of the shower with wet hair and nothing but a sports bra and basketball shorts on. Rory had to stare. Soon Paige coughed in a cocky "I caught you" way, making A snap out of her trance.

"Good morning" Paige said with a smirk, one that made Aurora's face burn
"Morning" Rory chirped, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
"How'd you sleep, lightweight?"
"I slept well. And I'm not a lightweight."
"Well, I made you breakfast" Rory stood up and gave Paige her food.
"You didn't have to, thank you" Paige smiled shyly
"It's a thank you for yesterday" Rory reciprocated the same smile.

Paige sat down on her bed and ate the food, silently moaning at the taste making the brunette cross her legs tightly.

"Well, is it good?" Rory asked nervously
"Fucking delicious Rory." Paige said with her mouth full
"I'm glad." A blushed

They both ate in silence but later started speaking.

"Thank you for taking care of me." The cheerleader spoke
"Of course, I care for you" P said
"Thank you"
"Stop thanking me, it's fine, I like you" Paige said as if it were nothing
"What?!" Rory said in shock, almost choking.
"You couldn't tell?"
"I wasn't even sure that you liked women" Rory said flabbergasted
"1, how didn't you? 2, now you do."
"Well, for the record, I like you too," Rory said confidently, not knowing where the confidence came from.

Soon after that Rory had to leave to go to classes and Paige had to go to the gym. They said their goodbyes after Paige dropped A off at the building she had to be at. Little did P know Aurora smiled the whole class, and little did Rory know Paige smiled the whole gym session.

Author's Note:
They're so cuteeee. Short chapter but please don't forget to vote and follow if you liked it <3

Can I Take You Out? 😽- Paige Bueckers x Fem Character Where stories live. Discover now