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She checked her watch.

8:30 PM.

"Dammit," she cursed to herself. "I'm fucking late."

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she imagined the gruesome scene that would happen as she got home. Occupied in her thoughts, she didn't see the stop sign in front of her.

BAM! She hit the pole, hard, and stumbled backwards, clutching her nose. As she removed her hand, she noticed blood smeared over it. "Shit," she cursed. Two things to worry about. Her father and her nose. As she trudged towards her home, she prayed that the blood in her nose would dry up quickly.


She quietly opened the door to her house. Her watch flashed 9:00. She snuggled inside her comfy gray hoodie and quietly walked towards the stairs, not before shutting the door. She learned her lesson when she didn't shut the door after she came in. As soon as she neared the living room, right near the linoleum stairs, she smelled alcohol. And pot. It reeked. She felt bile rise up her throat. She turned away and tiptoed up the stairs. When she got to the hallway nearing her bedroom, she raced to her door, flinging it open and locking it shut. Her knees gave out from below her and she sunk against the door, breathing a sigh of relief. Maybe her father was letting her have some mercy....

Suddenly, loud footsteps could be heard, clomping up the stairs. "Hail...." He slurred. He was obviously drunk. And drunk dad was worse than sober.

Her spine stiffened. Did he forget she was late? Three knocks on her door.

Uh oh, she thought. Knocks on the door are bad....

She quietly unlocked her door and whispered, "Papa?"

Her father grinned at her, his yellow crooked teeth glowing as he smiled slyly. "I came here at eight o'clock, though I didn't see you."

Hailey swallowed audibly. What excuse could she possibly come up with?

"Uh...." She swallowed. "Y-yeah, about that dad--"

Her father slapped her cheek, making her eyes well up with tears. "Sir," she corrected, touching her cheek to find it hot. "About that, sir. You see, I-I had a rough day and--"

Her father's eyebrows furrowed. "And? Everyone has bad days. Let's get to the point." He leaned in Hailey's face. "Why were you late?"

Before Hailey could answer, she felt his rock hard fist, landing right between her right eye and nose. She yelped and covered her eye as blood tricked down her nose. Great, she thought. My damn nose is bleeding again.

She looked up at her father and tears trickled down her cheeks. "Sir, please let it go, I'm sorry--"

"LET IT GO?!" Her father boomed. "How can I let it go? I have a fucking child to take care of! And apparently, just like her no good goddamn mother, she is fucking useless!" Under his breath, he added, "And it would've been better if she died too."

That broke her heart. Tears started dribbling down her eyes, on her cheeks, and rolled down her neck. "Fine," she grumbled. "If that's what you think about me."

Her father glared at her. Before she could react, she felt strong hands on her shoulders as she was pushed into darkness.

a.n -
how'd y'all like this chapter/book so far ? plz comment and vote and keep on readinn . thanks 💋
- s.j gomes

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