Part Two

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Padmé lifted her eyes to the blackness of the night sky, stabbed with dots of light. Speeders whizzed by, having no concern for the distraught and heavily pregnant senator on her balcony. Now dressed in her azure silk nightgown, she pressed her hand up to her mouth, contemplating.

"He said he would be here... right after his report to the Chancellor... how many hours ago was that? It is now after 2200 hours... he should be here by now..."

Every possible horrid thing that could happen to her Ani filled Padmé's mind. Death by speeder... assassination... killed in battle... tortured to death...

Anxiety has plagued her since she became pregnant and it only was magnified when her husband was away. She always imagined that one day someone would show up at her apartment door and tell her that she was now a widow. Consequently, leaving her to raise their child alone. The thought made her break down every time.

She needed a distraction, anything to take her mind off of Anakin before she did something rash. Padmé smiled at the irony, she picked up a lot of things from her husband.

The young senator moved to the couch just inside the veranda, her petite hand tracing the outer frame of it. She held her breath as she slowly lowered herself onto the couch. Simple, mundane tasks were becoming infinitely times harder as her pregnancy progressed. It was becoming quite frustrating to her. When Padmé settled, she released the breath and closed her eyes for a just a moment. A slight pulsation began in the forefront of her skull, a headache forming ever so slightly. Sighing, one of her hands found her bulging stomach while the other grabbed the holopad off the caf table. Padmé cracked open her eyes and decided to check her holomail to get her overly active mind to calm. And if not calm, distracted on something else besides the whereabouts of her husband.

One new holomail, the holotablet read. And from none other than Bail Organa. A groan escaped her lips, she knew it was a bad idea to click on the holomail in her current stressed condition. However, she ignored logic and went ahead reading it.

"Another delegation meeting?" Padmé thought as she scrolled through the encrypted holomail. "Why in the galaxy would we have another one, this is the third one this week!"

Padmé foresaw that, after the Petition of 2000, her work in the senate would increase. Nevertheless, she did not see herself being this busy, nor being apart of an almost "secret organization" to "impeach" the Chancellor. The Chancellor had been in office far too long, she would agree, but having a committee now working against the Chancellor... it felt to rebellious to her. Treasonous. This was one reason she wanted the Jedi in on their plans. The reason she wanted Anakin to know at least. With him being on the inside and assuring everyone that everything would be alright, it would put her at ease. And that is what she needed, something, no someone, to put her at ease. Being stressed was not good for any pregnancy; and with Anakin's disturbing dreams along with his inability to see the fate of their child, it was imperative that she reduce any behaviors or conditions that could prove to be hazardous towards their child.

Another sigh. Padmé just couldn't help feeling so... helpless. The whole galaxy was in shambles. The war was dragging on when it could have ended, the Chancellor was nearly a dictator, the Jedi were sparse, she had to keep secrets from the ones she loved and Anakin- Anakin. He was acting strange; to say the least. She imagined she would be too if she was having those dreams, but it was more than that. More brooding. More dark.

Padmé moaned at these thoughts whirling around in her brain. She raised her hand to her temples and rubbed.

"Why can't I rub the pain of the galaxy away?" She muttered in a voice she had never used before in her life. Saying it was a tone of desperation would be an understatement. As the anxieties of what seemed to be the end of the galaxy weighed down on her chest, she slid down and curled up into the side of the couch.

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