Part Eight

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Padmé leaned forward intently as the muun began to speak.

"Darth Plagueis." Yes, this was definitely the Sith Lord that Sidious was speaking about.

"You must be very far in your training as a Sith in order to be able to have access to this holocron. Only the best Sith are destined to have access to this, it shall be passed down from master to apprentice and onward." Plagueis started and Padmé had to fight an eyeroll.

"Force, is he wrong." She thought.

"I am recording this for the purpose that I am unable to achieve my goal of immortal life and so I can pass down what knowledge I have gained to future Sith with the hope that one will unlock the secret to immortality should I fail.." The Sith Lord continued to speak about the manipulation of midichlorians, the past experiments he had conducted, and about how certain Sith legends backed his theories. Padmé was surprised to find out that she knew most of what Darth Plagueis was talking about. It was likely due to the fact that Anakin explained once or twice some of the terminology that was common to most force users. However, the information that the dark lord verbalized was of no use to her. She knew that this was information that Anakin was looking for, thinking that he could prolong her life. But behind the outer shell of those "visions" Anakin was having, she could feel that there was something else going on. This wasn't like his mother. Something else was different about this one...

Padmé continued to listen patiently, but nothing that Plagueis said caught her attention enough to see if it could help her and her husband. She sighed as Plagueis continued to ramble on and decided it would be best just shut off the holocron. Her hands reached over to close the pyramid but just when she thought hope was lost, Plagueis paused, rubbing his hands intently.

"I also have discovered another power that the Sith are able to manifest unlike the putrid Jedi. With proper training, a Sith can learn to actually use the midichlorians to influence the dreams or thoughts of people. This I have successfully mastered. However, thoughts only work on the weak minded as does a mind trick. On the contrary to this, the influence of dreams can be practiced on anyone. This in turn, can create realistic vision-like dreams and cause them to be distressed-"

The senator silently gasped, the puzzle pieces finally fitting into place. This Sith was Sidious' master, and he said that this technique could be learned. Anakin was having dreams such as the ones described above. They caused him great distressed-

Her mouth was now agape as she finally came to a conclusion.

Sidious was the cause of Anakin's dreams.

These were not visions, forseeings of what was yet to come. No, this was just simple 'scare into obedience', something many powerful people used to get what they want. She wasn't going to die in childbirth... unless...

Unless Anakin tried so hard to save her that he lost her...

Lost her either to the force, or lost her because of his fall to the dark side. This revelation Padmé had made her breath catch in her throat, oxygen cut off from her lungs. She choked in surprise, was the force actually with her?

She unconsciously glanced down at her womb, why did she do that? Protectiveness? A sign? Padmé shook her head, that was not of priority at the moment. What was first in her life was trying to get Anakin to see that Sidious was just using him and that his dreams were all rouse.

"-And with that power the Sith-" Padmé's head shot up as her ears now registered that the Sith lord was still talking.

"Magister Damask! Where are you, master?" A tinny voice called out in the distance.

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