Part Six

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As soon as Padmé exited the premises, Anakin removed his hood and stalked over to Sidious.

"What is wrong with you? We can't bring Padmé in on this!" Anakin hissed, outraged that his master would even think of including his heavily pregnant wife in their plans.

"Actually my dear boy, this will work to both of our advantages." Sidious said. He ignored Anakin's reddening face.

"How?" The young Sith asked through gritted teeth. Electricity crackled around the room. Suffocation from the heat, Anakin shook off the feeling.

"Don't lose it, Vader. Don't."

"She'll do my senate bidding and I'll keep an eye on her force presence. if anything is seemingly out of the ordinary, I can come to her aid straight away. I will prevent your dreams from becoming a reality." Sidious replied, rising up from his chair. Arms folded over his chest, Anakin scowled.

"And what about what she asked you to do? Are you just going to leave me alone for good?"

The old man chuckled as if he heard a bad joke.

"Of course not, Vader. However, we she is here, you will have do as you did today. Be my silent attendant. She must not know that you are still working with me."

Anakin looked away dissatisfied and muttered "I don't think she would appreciate the deceit."

"Of course not... yet. She will understand later the reason we had to conduct ourselves in the manner and she will be thankful." Sidious explained, now coming to rest his hands yet again on Anakin's shoulders. He looked straight into the young Sith's eyes and smirked.

"I promise, you both will rule beside me very, very soon."

Anakin just bit his lip and averted his eyes. His master's words seemed to be getting slightly more absurd as time went on...

"Whatever you say, Master."


Anakin returned home later that night. Padmé, once catching sight of him, arose from the sofa to greet him.

An embrace. A kiss.

No words were spoken when they were needed most.

Affection was shown of course; a hand, a hug, a deep kiss... but actions are better accompanied with words...

Once they climbed into bed and settled under the covers, Anakin finally vocalized a thought.

"Did you have a good day?" He asked quietly. Padmé stared at him under her lashes and smiled.

"I think it actually was good." She breathed. Anakin gazed up at the ceiling and shifted uncomfortably. A touch on his arm startled him, he looked over and found chocolate eyes studying him.

"Are you alright?" Padmé wondered and took his hand. It didn't take Jedi powers to know that his wife was concerned. But, per norm, Anakin decided protect her from his demons.

"Fine," Anakin muttered. "Just tired."

"Mmmm, Jedi keeping you busy?" Another shift.

"Uh, something like that..." He trailed off and rubbed a hand behind his neck.

"Well, don't work too hard, Mr. Jedi Knight." Padmé whispered and brushed a kiss on his cheek. Anakin sighed and just looked at Padmé.

"You are amazing, you know that right?"

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