Part Fourteen

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 It entangled him, its tentacles grasping, licking at his feet. He continued walking as it tried to permeate his soul, power radiating off of him pushed it away. It was blackness, sharp; cutting at his skin, begging to be let inside. The dark side of the force was powerful, that much anyone would confirm. However, what many did not come to appreciate was that the dark side can embody creatures of the night, the deepest fears of any species, the demons inside your soul. The darkness would claw away at any prey it set its sight on. Determined to get in, it would break, bruise, to the point where even the most confident people become nothing. A desperate spirit, with darkness now embodying the soul, shatters. It changed people; it changed the man waking. The man known as Anakin Skywalker. The dark side was trying its hardest to be let in, but this time, Anakin Skywalker had enough willpower to shove it away. He promised himself to never again be wrapped in the clutches of the dark side.

The closer he got, the closer the dark aura attacked him. Not being fooled by the lavish carpets of red, Anakin focused his gaze upon the chamber in the distance. His eyes hardened, an eerie silence overtaking him, and the galaxy. As his stare at the chamber became more intense, red overflowed, outpoured from the doors. Blood. It flooded the walls, splattering all over the carpet. Blood began to outpour from the furniture, staining everything in sight. It began to build upon one another, so much blood flooding the room. The red travelled up Anakin's boots, now knee deep. It swirled around him, rising every second. His hand instinctively reached down, only to feel nothing. Anakin realized that this blood was not real. No, it was a vision. The blood continued to rise, now at the Jedi's waist. He looked around in utter awe at the constant fountains of blood spewing from the walls. As if it belonged to corpses hiding in the walls-

The realization of the vision hit Anakin like a bullet. This blood... it was from all of the victims of Sidious. It continued to rise as did the determination in Anakin, he was going to make this stop. Putting one foot in front of the other, he sloshed through the blood. It was difficult to move through but he reached the door to Sidious' office within what seemed like seconds. The golden entry button was stained, blood teasingly clinging to the bottom of it. However, once Anakin laid his hand onto the button, the blood vanished. Disappeared and never left a trace of it being there. Maybe, maybe this was a sign showing that Anakin could very well avenge all those lives lost to the dark lord. Maybe then all the galaxy would have peace. A deep inhale left the lungs of Anakin and with a quick press, the metallic doors wooshed open.

Anakin's eyes fell upon the very end of the office, where the dark lord of the Sith himself sat at his desk. He noticed he was now wearing a dark cloak, the hood shadowing some of his features. However, it was plain to see that the Sith lord looked so much... older.

Anakin took a few strides forward, pausing at the threshold into the main room of the office. The transparisteel reflected a harsh lights into the room and speeders flew right by, oblivious to what was about to occur.

"Anakin Skywalker." Sidious hissed, slow with deliberate malice. Anakin held his head up and glared at the Sith lord, no fear written on his features.

"A pleasure of you to stop by." The older man muttered and stood up from his chair. "However, I sense that you are not here for pleasantries... or my wisdom."

"You are finally right about something." Anakin stated and continued to fix a his hard gaze on the man he once called a friend.

"So," Sidious began, walking over to the transparisteel wall. "I assume you have now renounced the Sith as well. It's a shame that Padmé will have to pay for your ignorance."

"Oh, I don't think so," Anakin took a step forward. "I know it was you who planted those visions in my head. I know that what you concocted was a hoax, an attempt to sway me into joining you. And I promise you that she will not die."

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