Stalking and Blind Old People

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Aylss Dream

                I quickly finished my pizza and abandoned my greasy plate in the garbage can next to me. Zillar did the same and whipped out a pair of sunglasses from his back pocket. He slid them on carefully and motioned for me to do the same. All the while, we were silent. We might be loud, agitating people but we have a specialty in the art of stalking. Weird, huh?

                We ran to the wall and slid out backs against it. I made a quick duck behind a large plant and beckoned Z to come. He did a very exaggerated leap into the air and landed behind me. I peeked out from behind me. I peeked out from behind the shrub and found myself looking at Jace and curly top from profile view.

                “What’s he doing with a normal girl?” Z whispered.

                “I don’t know, but something’s wrong. I can feel it,” I replied.

                I carefully watched as curly top stuck a drenched in cheese French fry into Jace’s mouth. It fell before reaching his mouth and cheese covered his mouth. Red head laughed and Jace yelped, “Sandra!!”

                But I realized that it was a bit exaggerated with his mouth jutting out too much. Hmmm… I wondered. Even though Jace and I don’t get along I still knew a lot about him. The simple things, but I still knew when he was faking.

                “He’s faking…” Z and I both commented. We turned to each other and grinned.

                “They look like they are putting on a two man show,” Z snickered.

                “I know, but if they are, who are they performing for?” I realized. I rolled behind another potted plant and looked out. I felt Z poke my back to let me know he was behind me.

                “There!” Z whispered jutting a hand out in the left direction. Sure enough, half the football team was sitting at high top tables, gawking in the direction of Jace and red-head Sandra. I smiled. I turned back to look at them; from this angle they really looked like they were in love. It kind of irked me that he was able to interact with normal people so well, but I shoved the thought to the back of my mind. I signaled Z to stay there and dove behind a trash can.

                I watched as Jace whispered something incoherent to Sandra and she nodded slightly. I wondered what that could have meant. Maybe they were fake telling secrets in a loving way, or- But then an elderly women banged my head into the trash can.

                “Owww…” I said rubbing my head slightly.

                “Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. I didn’t see you there, child,” She looked at me with squinted eyes and then hobbled away. I glanced at Zillar to mime a fake laugh when I saw him mouthing a silent oh my God. I quickly followed his eyes and gasped myself.

                Sandra and Jace were in a furious dance of lip-locking movement. It looked like they were having a war with their mouths with all the pushing and shoving. I shot my eyes toward the football team and noticed that every one of their jaws were on the floor; and by the look of it, one of the smaller ones looked ready to faint.

                I really didn’t want to see anymore. Just the thought of Jace probably taking that girls first kiss was sad. It also felt weird that he was able to be so intimate with a normal person. A shock wave whipped through my abdomen and I startled myself. Sandra and Jace broke away hyperventilating heavily and looked at me curiously. I could feel the shock on my face and I glanced between them, the team and Zillar twice before sighing.

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