Salsa Lady & Bi-polar-ness

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Aylss Dream 

I walked out of the Chorus room and slipped on my taped on glasses. Immediately, I was plundered with weird and rude comments. Some that don't even make sense. 

"Hey, prima dona! Your glasses don't down your body," 

"I'm still reeling for you babe!" 

"Bay-be! What happened to you, spent too much time with your book?" Ok, that one didn't even make sense. I thought to myself. 

I continued to walk down the ever-growing hall until I arrived at the cafeteria. I ignored any comments that were thrown at me and snaked through the crowds. I was able to make it to the entree line without anyone noticed it was me, until. 

I hated that word, so much. 

"Salsa lady! Why are your glasses like that?" The most annoying voice on the plant asked. I tried to ignore and breathe. I took a step forward, grabbed a tray, and proceeded to take a bowl of chicken soup and put it on my tray. 

"Are you listening, Princess?" The poop head asked. Then I felt a something hit my head. I whipped my head around, almost earning myself whiplash. I looked down to the floor to see a ruby red apple, and rubbed my head. 

"Did you just throw an apple at me?" I asked astonished. Who even does that? I'm pretty sure there's a law against throwing apples at awesome dancers' heads. 

"Now you hear me. Well good, I have your attention. I wonder what happened to your glasses, someone step on them, I presume." He said mimicking a British accent. He was about three people in back of me.  

"Well wouldn't you know? That's exactly what happened!" I retorted. I moved the tray forward and kicked the apple away from foot. 

"Wow! I just took a wild guess."  

"Lucky you," I said looking back to aim a sneer. I saw him poke a girl on her right shoulder. As she turned to the right, he cut in front of her on her left side. 

"I'm not lucky, I'm blessed," He said while whispering a small excuse to the boy in front of him. 

"Don't bring religion into this," I turned my head back, adding a water bottle and a piece of cake to my tray.  

"Just spreading the love," 

"Well could you spread the love where there's not enough oxygen for you to live?" 

"Are you willingly planning a homicide?" 

"Gladly," I said. But then I felt a strong presence hovering behind me. I picked up my tray to bring it to the cashier when I felt someone poke my shoulder. I quickly turned around, just as the person took a step further, flipping my tray onto the "inconspicuous" person.  

I gasped and rambled out a hundred "I'm Sorry"'s to Jace, grabbing multiple napkins to dab at his shirt with. It didn't dawn on me that I really didn't have to do this for him. He deserved because he was a jerk. I just continued say apologies; I didn't even notice him heating up. 

"YOU IDIOT!" He yelled in my face. I took several steps back noticing that everyone was staring. 

"I said I was sorry. I really didn't mean to-"I started. I heard someone whisper, "Bi-polar much?" 

"No! You're such an imbecile!" He yelled again stepping forward, backing me into the wall. 

A lunch lady rounded the corner and said, "Calm down, young man. It was clearly an accident." 

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