Author's Note #1

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Author’s Note #1


WARNING: This Author’s Note has spoilers that reveal what has happened in the last four chapters. If you have not read the first four chapters, please know that this will spoil the information. I strongly suggest that you read the chapters before you read this because clearly you will not understand what is being talked about. Thank you.

I just finished Chapter Four in the Step Into My Helmet and Point Shoes, and I think it went pretty well. I made that chapter a bit shorter than the others because I felt were I stopped was a pretty good place. I felt that Aylss sleeping cutely made it the perfect ending. I really have no clue where this story is going to end up. I know I left a few strings opened when I made Jace fake date Sandra. Many possibilities can come from that one event. So, I guess that will help.

For some reason, I tend to get Writers block a lot. Example:

I’ll have this perfect idea for a story, I start writing it, and it goes perfect. Then at some point, I just stop and can’t think of anything good for the story. It frustrates me because I know the idea is a great and has so much potential. This brings me to my next point.

 I don’t really go over my work. Yah, I know. So horrible. It’s not like I have an editor at age 13. Really what I mean is, is that I only do the spell check and the grammar check that is already programmed into the Word software. What I DON’T do is go over the story itself. It makes me feel like I’m not good enough. I feel like if you have to change something it’s because you either have a better idea or you’re just stupid to make a mistake. I guess it’s like pencils.

God, I hate pencils.

There like reminders that you can make mistakes.

Not that mistakes are bad. You have to make mistakes to get better in life, but it just irritates me.

I have been using a Thesaurus a lot in these past few days. Usually my mind is filled with vocabulary words that are perfect, but during that last chapter I’ve been so blocked up. It’s like you peeled a grape then you realized that all the good vitamins are in the skin and that your mom was right. That wasn’t a good way of explaining it. Ok here is how I feel: I feel like there is river and then there is a dam to help it not flood into the city. It’s a really good one with magical spells that will help it to never break. So it’s a perfect bridge. But then some awkward builder goes in and puts a wad of tape over it. Everyone is thinking why did you need the tape? It’s already secure!

The river and dam representing me. The builder and the tape representing the Thesaurus. The city representing the book. That made no sense.

What I’m trying to say is that, when I get writer’s block, I get it ba-a-ad. Yep, with all the multiple a’s and such.

Oh well…The picture is of Zillar, Aylss, and Jace's school. They're supposed to be rich but no stuck up. The video is of Violet Hill by Coldplay. That song really helps me think, cry, and be mad. Listen to the lyrics.

The Cow Queen's Question of the Day:

Who stole the chloroform Pinky my teddybear?

:(s) <--- That was my attempt at a pig. Fail, right?

Moo, Cow

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