Chapter 11 - The Trio is Finally Back -

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"I really shouldn't say anymore. It was wrong of me to even say it."

"You must say it now. I mean, what are the chances of meeting someone so close to Professor Abel! Right Amaya?"

"Uh, yeah." I reply. Angelina looks sort of flustered as she glances around the cafe. There's only us left in the shop as everyone is busy getting ready to go home. I should be excited, curious even to hear what this woman has to say but a part of me wants to prohibit it, ignore her existence entirely.

"Well, we only dated for two years. That was three years ago now."
My mind goes back to when Professor Abel told me his mother passed away. The same time when my grandmother died too.

"What happened?" I ask looking up at her expectantly.
Angelina's face darkens and a small sigh escapes her lips.

"Things changed and well he was going through some stuff. We ended things shortly after an incident and, that was it. He was a wonderful boyfriend, you know? So kind and considerate. His mother didn't like me so much though."

"You met his mother?" The words slip out of my mouth so quickly Jess turns around to face me. "I-I mean, you must have been really special to him then."

"I guess so. I certainly felt like I was the only one in his life. But," she says shrugging her shoulders "we certainly had our differences."

"And that's why you guys broke up?" Jess asks fiddling with the glass on the table. Angelina nods and I notice her facial features change, her lips purse into a straight line.

"So you guys never talked after? As in at all?"

"Nope. He's good at cutting people out, that's for sure. Even if he loved them truly."
Clearly not enough if he cut you off so easily.
I shake my head surprised to here the rude comment that my thoughts are currently making. I know nothing about her, I know nothing about him.

"Do you know if he's with anyone? If he's got a partner at all?"

"Definitely not. If he had a partner I think the whole school would've known. He'd probably be a little nicer than usual."

"He can be nice." I blurt out, remembering how he helped me with past incidents. Hang on, why am I supporting him? Angelina raises a brow at me and I shrug my shoulders. "I mean he can be nice when he wants to be."

"Yeah, when he wants to be. But certainly not now he's isn't. Do you know he's making her do all the assignments she's missed even though she's been unwell. No 'get well soon' or an extension. I swear he's got bipolar or something for the way he's been acting with you." My eyes widen and I try to quieten my loud friend who's completely oblivious.

"It seems he's paying a lot of attention to you." Angelina utters quietly.

"Oh, no." I wave my hand at her. "It's because I'm the only dumb person in his class and he's trying to keep me from rolling down the hill even further."

"You should try and contact him." Jess suddenly suggests, jerking her head at Angelina. "You might make him a little nicer."

"I'm not sure. Last time we met, it wasn't amicable." I can feel her eyes on me as I play with the napkin on my lap. "What do you think, Amaya? Should I contact him?"
The bad feeling seeps into my bones like hot water and I nod my head slowly, resting my eyes on the pretty woman.

"You should." I say with gritted teeth. "It would probably be the best thing for him."

Staff Room

Hayes throws the last of his coffee down the sink, unmotivated by the last meeting to even try and keep it together. And it's only 7:20am in the morning. He rolls the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows, his raven locks are sleeked back allowing his face to be seen more clearly. A sigh escapes him as he leans back against the counter, quietly observing the empty chill the surrounds the dark room. Clarice walks in, her auburn hair is covered with a black woolly hat and she flicks her finger to the light, trying to embrace the hidden warmth.

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