Chapter 27 -How Big Was It?-

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I have to adjust myself a little more as I lean back, the blasted heat from the sun has caused me to feel sleepy. The documentary we're watching in History isn't exactly entertaining either and with the lights off and blinds partially pulled down, who wouldn't want to take a little nap? I feel a hard nudge on one of the back legs of my chair and I open my eyes, placing my hands back onto the desk. My head turns to see Jess giving me a sympathetic smile and then she subtly jerks her head to the front of the class. My eyes slowly move to the figure sitting behind the computer at the front desk and I sit up straight noticing Mrs. Levine's gaze. I clear my throat and give her a small smile before turning my focus back onto the large screen.
However, my eyes wander around the classroom and I see Brigitta, sitting perfectly still, watching the documentary. She spills out her seventh cough of the hour and I tilt my head, wondering if she's unwell. She's managed to come in this week, the rumours and gossip have died down about her and Lewis, only the talks of holiday plans are keeping afloat in this big school. Brigitta coughs again, covering her mouth with the sleeve of her grey jumper and she begins to lean to the side, grabbing a water bottle from her bag. Suddenly, she snaps her head to me and I look away, pretending to be inspired of the odd rock the archaeologist has found in the documentary.

The bell rings, signalling the students that it's lunch break and I watch as everyone around me begins to pack away their resources. Mrs. Levine switches on the lights and the students by the windows pull the blinds up, causing groans from the sleepy bunch. I stretch my arms, feeling the tiredness sweep over me. Lewis comes into my view and smacks my hand with his. He grins as I look up and I smile back, taking my bag off the chair.

"I hope they have those nacho chips today. I've been looking forward for them all week!" Lewis clasps his hands in front of him in a prayer and Jess rolls her eyes.

"It's only Tuesday, babe."

"I still want them."

"We should get going to the lunch hall, before people start taking all the seats." I wave my hand to the door, gesturing for them to get a move on.

"I'll go quickly, see if I can find a seat. See you guys there in a bit!" Lewis gives Jess a quick peck on the cheek before running out, almost tumbling over students' desks. I chuckle, shaking my head at the silly boy.

"What should we go for the last period? We still got some work to do but I think we deserve a little break." Jess smiles at me and nods her head.

"You're right. Why don't we just walk around, see if any classrooms are empty? We can have the place to ourselves. Oh! And we can bring Medi along!"

"Good idea." I smile wide at her as we make our way towards the door.

"Amaya, can I speak with you for a moment?" My eyes find the emerald orbs and I frown, wondering what's wrong. I bet it's about the situation she walked into between me and Professor Abel.

"I'll see you there in a bit." I tell Jess and she mumbles an 'okay' before walking out the door with the rest of the students. The room is quiet now, and I watch as Mrs. Levine closes the door, her red heels clacking against the wooden floorboard. I gulp as she  sits back into her seat and she gestures for me to do the same. I place my butt down on one of the chairs at the front, my bag slides off my arm and onto the floor.

"You wanted to speak to me Miss?"

"Yes. I just wanted to ask if you were alright."

"Oh- I'm fine." My brows furrow in confusion and she smiles at me kindly. "Thanks for asking Miss."
She lets out a breath, sitting back into her seat.

"I hear you've had many odd moments with Professor Abel. It must've been really awkward when you found out he was Gregory's grandson." Her tone isn't strict, rather sympathetic. It makes me feel a little better.

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