Chapter 23 -You Look Beautiful-

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I groan, feeling the pressure in my neck as I walk down the road towards my family home. Today was the last day of the work experience and tomorrow I'll be missing school. My cousins wedding is happening during the weekend, a proper Asian wedding, with all the glam and dresses. There'll even be dancing which I'm not prepared for at all.

I've been getting so many messages from Lewis but I haven't opened them, too afraid to see what he has to say. What's even more worrying is that Jess hasn't replied to my messages, not even once. I pull my bag closer to me as the day sets and I set my eyes on my house, only a few metres away. I halt, noticing a familiar car.

"Jess?" My eyes widen seeing the car door open, and Jess in the back seat, tears streaming down her face.

"Gosh, Amaya." Her voice is hoarse and she falls into my arms, tightening her grip on me. I wrap my arms around her as she cries again. "I didn't know where to go."

"It's okay, I'm here. Don't worry. I'm here." My eyes meet her driver and he gives me a brief nod. "I'll let you know when she's ready to leave. You can go."

A few minutes go past and I let her into my home, briefly explaining what happened to my mother at the door. She lets us be, and asks if Jess would like anything to eat or drink. I take her to my room and motion her to my bed, taking the coat off her. I sit down beside her and take in the state my friend is currently in. Her hair is slightly disheveled, most likely from the amount of times she has run her hand through it and her blue top is creased from the bottom. Her makeup is ruined by the streaks of mascara running down her face.

"I thought we were okay. I thought we were doing so well, Amaya. Why? Why did he do it? Why did he cheat on me?"

"Oh, Jess." I place my hand on her thigh in a comforting manner. "I honestly can't believe it either. But right now I need you to tell me what exactly happened."

"You saw, didn't you? The picture on that fucking group chat." Jess sniffles grabbing a tissue from my desk.

"Yeah, I know." My mind goes back to the stupid photo on my phone. "I swear I could kill them both right now."

"Same here. But I just can't believe it."

I get up and take my jacket off, placing it onto the chair. "Professor Abel thinks that there's something else going on. That there may be something missing in this-"

"Professor Abel knows? What? I don't understand."

"Oh, uh," I bring a hand to the back of my neck sheepishly. "well, long story short we got into a little argument about something and then I told him about the rumours going on at school about him and Miss. Greene and he denied all of them so that's that and then-"

"Wait, wait." Jess brings her hand up confused. "What do mean about the rumours?"

"Apparently Professor Abel only had an argument with her, nothing else. And whilst we were talking the photo propped up on the group chat and he saw it."

"And what did he say about it?"
I sit back down beside her on the bed, clasping my hands tightly together.

"He said that because of what Brigitta's done before, there may be an underlying truth. Maybe Lewis didn't-"

"So he's defending Lewis?" Jess scoffs, pushing her hair back in frustration. "That's bloody typical. All men are the same, supporting each other. No wonder that bloody teacher has got no one. He's probably a cheater too!"

"Jess." I drop my tone to get her attention and I want to tell her that not all men are the same. But then I see the fresh wave of tears coming and instead I hold her tight, stroking her hair as she rests her head on my lap.

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