Chapter 24 -She's Mine-

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What is love? What can be defined as real love? Is it the poems we read, the subtle words and phrases? Or is it the physical part, where lips meet and hands touch? Maybe it's a bit of everything, from the secret glances and destined pathways we strive to meet to the moment we're standing perfectly still, ready to confess the feelings you've held on for so long. I watch in awe at the couples surrounding me in the break room. Spring has not only blossomed the pink Sakura trees but also the love that the youngsters have bravely shown to their significant others.
I shake my head, convincing myself that I don't need a partner, nor do I need their support for anything. I can do it all. Just me. Only me.

"Will you guys get a room? For fuck's sake you're gonna make me sick." Adrien snaps at Jess and Lewis who are now doing what looks like a French kiss on top of the table. I shake my head, smiling solemnly at him.

"Yeah he's right. You're gonna make us two singles die in horror with your lovey dovey actions." I sit down opposite to Adrien as he rolls his eyes, bringing his head down into the table. He wraps his arms around him, fluttering his eyes shut.

"It's way too early for this." He grumbles tiredly. I've noticed since the photo has come out of Lewis and Brigitta, he has been withdrawn and quiet. Of course he would be, the love of his life was kissing another guy. My eyes glance around and I see no sign of Brigitta anywhere. She must be laying low for a while, to avoid any more drama here. The rumours of Lewis and her have since died down and everyone knows that he's back with Jess, much more stronger than ever.

"Guys." I hiss, smacking Lewis' leg. "Stop that, please." Lewis chuckles getting up from the table and Jess smiles wide, playfully pulling him back down.

"Come on, babe. We'll finish this off later. We've got the rest of the school day to get over with first." Jess sighs dramatically before getting up, resting her feet on the bench. Lewis jumps down and straighten his shirt, pushing his golden locks back with the swish of his hand. He suddenly smirks at me and I groan, rolling my eyes.


"Looks like someone's jealous."

"I am not." I cross my arms against my torso, looking away from him.

"Don't worry Amaya. You'll find someone soon. I can feel it." Jess gently nudges me with her leg and my eyes move to her, silently wondering if I ever will.

"I doubt it. I'm absolutely clueless about love."

"What about that book I gave you? You know the one with all the romance?"

"I gave up with it halfway. I'm not fond of love stories but that one was pure," I feel my cheeks redden at the thought of it. "I mean it wasn't pure at all. Didn't understand what the woman was doing at with the mafia guy." I scoff remembering the weird words and phrases. "Isn't a mafia a posher term for a gangster? Except instead of wearing sweats and big jackets they wear suits and cologne."

"I guess so." Jess chuckles tilting her head to one side. "Surely you got something out of it though? How about the flirting? Have you got the hang of it?"

"Absolutely not." I bring my hand up to her in an attempt to stop this conversation from going any further. There's a lot of students here in the break room, waiting for the school bell to ring. The last thing I need is for them to stir up rumours about me and my lack of seduction.

"Oh come on. I'm sure every girl knows how to flirt. I saw it perfectly clear in your dance the other day. Even Professor Abel couldn't take his eyes off of you!" Jess smacks Lewis on the chest gently, shaking her head at him. I feel my heart skip a beat and the heat rise in my cheeks. My body's been acting strange lately, it's as if my teacher's name has caused a trance on me. It's confusing and complete nonsense. I don't like the way my body feels warm and the butterflies in my stomach form excitedly at the thought of him. He'll be coming back in a few days, and I wonder what it will be like to see him again. I never saw him after the wedding and it makes my heart race when I think about him watching me dance. Did he like it? Did I show too much? Was I too weird?

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