Hostages At Home

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The sky was gray and no sun was shining this morning, for there was going to be some rain today according to the six o'clock forecast. Lincoln was still sleeping soundly as he felt a very warm presence next to him. He was a little surprised to see Loona sleeping next to him like this in his own bed, keeping him warm like this.

Yes, the hellhound's body was very nice and warm like a living blanket for him.

Being a rather cold and distant creature that prefers to be a lone wolf (or in her case, a lone hellhound), it was a little surprising for Lincoln to have been sleeping with someone as cold and apathetic and blunt and Loona.

The boy was happy that Loona got to give him a little more warmth in this night, considering the gray skies and possible storm today.

Lincoln took it upon himself to stay close to Loona a little while longer before actually getting out of bed. He wondered what fun he can do with the female hellhound today. Maybe a water park or some amusement park? Lincoln just had to wait and see what will be in store for him. Hopefully a water park in Hell will not be so bad.

"Are you just cuddling me?" Said Loona, waking up from her slumber.

"What? No. I'm just... keeping warm. I'm not doing anything perverted or anything."

"Ah, I know that, kiddo." Loona smirked. "I know you're not a pervert. But, like I mentioned before, I don't like to be touched, so..."

"Oh, right. Sorry." Lincoln hurriedly got up. "I know. You hate being touched. But were you cuddling me through the night?"

"What? Fuck no." Said Loona defensively. "Please. The couch up there was... having a bad effect on my neck, that's all. Gives me a kink."

Of course Lincoln didn't buy that kind of lie, but he knows never to argue with a choleric hellhound like Loona.

"So did you have fun with those girls last night?" Asked the female hellhound teasingly

"They seemed fond of me." Lincoln pointed.

"Yep, they were digging you." Loona pulled out a smug look on her face before asking: "which one are you marrying?"

"Oh you know I'm too young for them." Lincoln smirked.

"as much as the next guy, yes." She got out of Lincoln's bed and stretched herself. "So anything fun you wanna do to-" she was cut short by the sound of a loud thunderclap from outside the house. "Gah! What the fuck?!" Loona exclaimed. "Jesus on a stick."

"it's just thunder, Loona." Lincoln pointed "the weatherman said it was going to be rainy today from the yesterday news."

"I don't watch the news so much." Loona admitted flatly. "That shit's too depressing for me."

"Ah. I can understand that. These days, they just focus on the bad stuff in the news anyway. Why can't they focus more on good things than bed?"

"Because some people are morbid sickos?" Loona asked

"Speaking of sick," Lincoln remembered. "I'll help you get your stuff so you can go back to Blitzo' apartment. The EQD thing is probably done by now."

Picking up her phone, The female hellhound was looking at the newsfeed in Hell, and the whole Excessive Queef Disease thing has, indeed, cleared up down there so that no woman shoulder ever have to endure that embarrassing and stinky disease ever again. "Well, i still have a few more hours before my welcome here is done." Loona pointed.

"Good point." Lincoln said. "So, we can go to Flip's place for a Flipee or just get a regular drink."

"So that i can be forced to give that cheap fuck a kiss like before?"

"But you tricked him by using a mousetrap."

"Heh. Yeah that was funny." Loona chuckled. "But that fat fuck might try other things to make me kiss him. And I'd rather slit my own throat than kiss that tightfisted asshole."

"You can intimidate him and threaten him."

"It's more scary in my true form." she waved her hands over her body. "But, hey, i can try to scare him." then another thunderclap was heard from outside, waking up Lily and making her wail. "Uh-oh, looks like your sister hates lightning."

"Nah, it just spooked Lily. That's all." Lincoln pointed. "She'll be fine."

"Ah. But do you have an umbrella we can use?"

"Yep. Plenty of them. Though i can ask Lori or my mom and dad to drive us to Flipee's so it won't be too much of a hassle."

"Sounds like a better plan." Lori rolled her eyes. "I'll wait until they get their lazy asses out of bed." then she pulled her phone once again just to go on it. As Lincoln got himself ready for the day with his morning routine (shower, brushing his teeth, deodorant, etc,) he got himself some breakfast, which was a ham and cheese omelette from his dad. For Loona, she had a lot of bacon more thna one can contain. Yet again, Hellhounds have a far bigger appetite than humans do.

When the breakfast was done, Lynn Sr was the one to drive Lincoln and the disguised female hellhound to that fun yet notorious gas station. Flip looked afraid to see Loona again, considering the last time they met. "Oh boy, it's hot legs again." said Flip to himself.

"I heard that, you creep." Loona exclaimed to him.

"You heard nothin', lady!" Flip

"I have ears like a bloodhound, dumbass." Loona said

"OK, OK, let's just buy a flipee and a drink before this gets out of hand." Lincoln intervened. "Besides, i need to help Luna restring her guitar when we get back."

"Whatever." said Loona


Everyone in the family was going about their lives when an unexpected visitor, or more like... an intruder comes in the home like some burglar, and he had... an Asmodean crystal in his possession. "Now to bring that boy here." said a serpentine imp. It was Striker, and he was out for more blood. He snuck in the house through an Asmodean portal, leading him to the basement, and quietly made his way upstairs, and noticed Lily riding on her toy trike. The demon stoped the baby by placing a foot on the front whell.

"Hello, little one." said Striker. "Mind if you help me out."

Lily's heart sank and she screamed at the top of her lungs, and was about to call for help, but Striker help her at gunpoint.

"Ah ah ah! i wouldn't do that if i were you, baby."

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