Stella Gets Roasted

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Looking quite afraid of the dire consequences that are going to be bestowed on her by Lord Lucifer himself, Stella is absolutely terrified about what is going to happen to her. Andrealphus was under the archway between the living room and his foyer, also looking worried for his sister and her well-being.

He wanted to go to her sister's aid but he knows better not to mess with Lord Lucifer, the king of all Hell.

"Now, said Lucifer in a low booming voice, and in his scary form, "as punishment for all you had done, you will be under house arrest for a whole month, under constant surveillance with three spies watching your every move. And two of my guards will keep watch in case you try to leave this palace."

"House arrest!?" Stella shrieked. "You cannot do this! You are not Lord Paimon-"

"SILENCE, cunt!" Lucifer shouted down to her. "Have you forgotten, Stella Goetia?" He sounded more calm now. "I am above Paimon, and i can control what he does, and turn him into an isopod if i wanted to."

Andrealphus walked over to his sister's side ti try snd give her some support. "Look, i understand that you are infuriated with my sister, my lord. But i'm sure we can talk about this."

"Sorry, Andrealphus," said Lucifer, "but my decision is final. And consider yourself lucky, too. You did tell Stella not to curse poor Clyde after all, and you are more calm and rational, so you will not be punished." Turning back to Stella and in a more stern voice, "And that is not all, Stella. From now on: you will give your divorcee, Stolas, one million dollars in alimony every month."

"What?!" Stella gave her loudest shriek yet. Give a million dollars to that weak, pathetic fucking man?! Get serious? What if I don't do that and just leave the house anyway?"

"Stella!" Andrealphus scolded

"Then you will spend the rest of your life in the Agony Chambers where many sinners like Hitler, Stalin, Zedong, Idi Amin, and all of those evil leaders are suffering in right now. And you will be stripped of your Goetia status for the rest if existence. And i will make sure you will end up in the most miserable kind of destitution lower than the poorest hobo."

Stella was absolutely horrified and angered about the punishment she received and the consequences that would be bestowed upon her. Anything is better than the Agony Chambers, and to her, anything is hetter than being as poor as a homeless person. At last, left with no other way around it, Stella bowed her head and said: "Yes, my lord" in a sigh.

Lucifer smiled and turned back to his normal form. "Excellent!" He had his normal voice back on. "So i will take me leave now, and enjoy your confinement. Before going through the front door, he gave one last look at Stella and said: "don't forget, Stella. I'm watching you." He even gave her the famous gesture with his right hand to prove his point before closing the front door.

Feeling so humiliated, Stella foolishly fell on the floor, headfirst, and begins to bawl and pound her closed hands onto the floor like a spoiled toddler when she doesn't get ice cream. Andrealphus sighed in irritation and said: "not again." With his eyes closed. "Stella, we've been over this: tantrums will get you nowhere but embarrassing yourself."

"It's not fair! It's not fair!"

"Oh Satan, i need a warm bath." Andrealphus groaned, leaving his crazy sister to have her nervous breakdown. Some people just never change even when they physically grow up

Later on in the day, after Lincoln and Clyde had fun with Verosika, their friends, and everyone else in the penthouse, A nice event was happening at the Burpin Burger. A crowd was gathered inside and outside the restaurant to watch the event. Turns out, there was a burger-eating contest inside, and Lynn Jr is one of the five participants

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