Lucy Talks With Lucifer

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Lucifer was still in his enormous, goat-like monster form, and Lucy was liking this kind of form from him, but Lincoln's face says otherwise, and he was horrified to see that kind of side of Hell's king. Because of Lincoln's horrified face, Lucifer revered back to his normal, classy self, much to Lucy's disappointment. "Sigh. I honestly loved that kind of form. And I thought you are supposed to be the chieftain of the fallen angels, and a polar opposite of God and Jesus Christ."

"Oh, i am. Just not in the way many people think I am. To be fair, many parts of heaven are... not so perfect either. Did Lincoln tell you about Adam?"

"No, but you never told me about him either, your highness." Lincoln said. "Or... is he The Adam? The very first man on Earth Adam that one hears in the bible?" Lucifer didn't say anything but nodded his head a "yes" to the white-haired boy.

"It is the same Adam." said Lucifer flatly

"But he's... he's... i can't think of the right word for him."

"An asshole. A grade A asshole." Lucifer bitterly said. "He is the last person you would ever want to meet. Trust me. And you should know that my wife, Lilith, is the same one from history too.

Lucy was even more fascinated. "What's Adam really like?"

"Like i said, you do not want to meet that fucking asshole. And he is the biggest hypocrite in the universe. An even bigger hypocrite than John Lennon was before he was murdered. Many people up in heaven are a bunch of hypocrites that sprinkled many human beliefs with lies about Hell."

"Which is why I am helping those in the Happy Hotel." Charlie smiled. "To help them be redeemed and get the eternal happiness they need in the afterlife."

Loona then said: "I hate to break it to you, princess, But... you can't save everyone."

Charlie frowned and replied: "I wish that wasn't true. but yeah, i guess some people don't want to be saved."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, honey." said Lucifer. "Just do the best you can. That's what counts." he gave his daughter a gentle pat on the back.

"To be fair, your highness," Loona said, "I do prefer the monstrous form you just did.

"I don't." Lincoln protested.

"Alright, alright. Look, Lucy, why don't you take a little walk with me? I would like to get to know you a little more. I really like your style, and you do worship me."

"True." Lucy flatly said. "I can't be too quick to judge, after all."

"Wait a minute," said Lincoln. "Can i come with you, your highness? I promised mom and dad that i would keep her close to me at all times down here, and if something bad would happen to her, they would just murder me."

"Don't worry, my boy." said Lucifer. "Your sister is in good hands. You have my word."

Lincoln still looked reluctant but Lucy was firm about this, and she really wanted to have this heart-to-heart conversation with Hell's King. "Ok." He sighed. Lucy, please come back here, safe."

"don't worry, big brother." Lucy laid a gentle hand on his right shoulder. "I'll be just fine." Then she walked with Lucifer down a corridor.

"What am I thinking?" Lincoln said to himself.

"Come on, you worry too much." Said Loona.

"But it's hell."

"Yes, Hell, not North Korea or Eritrea like you mentioned." The female hellhound retorted. "I may not have known her as long as you, but I have confidence that she'll be fine with Lord Lucifer."

"And my daddy is a very gregarious guy." Charlie pointed. "I can trust him with your sister. And Loona said you met Zeezi?"

"Yep. And she's a fun person to hang out with." Lincoln admitted.

"She is." Charlie smiled. "... when she is not eating someone alive and scarfing it all down her throat."

"Given how she is a dinosaur-like demon, it wouldn't surprise me that she would do that." Loona rolled her eyes

"So how is Vaggie?" Asked Lincoln to Charlie.

"She's doing fine." Charlie smiled. "She's making sure Niffty doesn't sneak into your house again, and running the hotel when I'm unavailable at any time." She made a sigh of happiness. "I swear to my father, she is the best girlfriend anyone can ever ask for."

"That's good."

Meanwhile, Lucy was still walking with Lucifer and didn't exactly know what to say to the "Dark Lord" that she always worshiped growing up.

"So, Lucy," The king finally said to her, "I'm... sorry that I am not really what you thought I was... physically mostly."

"Oh no, I mean no disrespect, your majesty." Lucy pointed. "It just... caught me by surprise. I believe you when you say that most depictions of you are form religious propaganda."

"Correct. I can still shapeshift and turn into whatever creature I want, and still be scary when I want."

"So, is Lilith, the Lilith? The one that gave Adam the forbidden fruit?"

"well, yes. But the forbidden fruit thing is nothing but a fucking lie. Sin was already present in Adam, and managed to go unscathed because he is the first man, and all that bullshit."

"What about Eve, the first woman?" Asked Lucy

Lucifer was silent in that response and said: "I don't like to talk about Eve. Too many painful memories for me."

"Oh. Forgive me, your highness."

"No, it is quite alright." They stopped at a tall balcony shadowing over the whole Pride Ring. "Just look at this place, Lucy. Being a king of Hell is the most stressful position in existence."

"You don't look stressed." Lucy pointed. "You got a lovely daughter, a nice palace, many riches, plentiful food, anything that a king can ever want."

"Sure. I do have all that." Lucifer said. "But like many mortals have heard: money isn't everything. And it cannot buy happiness."

"No argument."

"And yes, I can order whoever I want, and everyone has to do what I say when I say it." Lucifer said. "And it is fun bossing people around at times, but you have all of these responsibilities put on you when you rule over the land of the damned.

"Again, that's true." Lucy put her hand over one of the balcony handles as she started at the whole ring below.

"Come with me, I want to show you something, Lucy."

Following the king once again, they stopped in a rather unusual chamber. It was a room filled with many rubber duck toys, and... real ducks, geese, and swans within, minding their own business, just being regular animals. There were regular birds one would find on earth, and species of these waterfowl that were only found in hell, like a few with horns and red eyes, and a few having bills like a sawfish.

"Well, this is... quite a room."

"Yep. This is my favorite room." Lucifer smiled. All of these things are my little darlings, my pride and joys, you name it."

"Not that I have a problem with it, but why do you love ducks so much?"

"Honestly, I don't know, Lucy. But it's something about their quaking, honking, singing, and how they behave in life."

The goth girl followed the king to a wood duck, and any waterfowl were standing in front of their eccentric owner. Some of them were even curious of Lucy as well.

"Aw, hello babies." Said Lucifer. "Yes, Sir Quacks-a-Lot. I know you missed me."

this Lucifer seemed like an intriguing kind of fellow to Lucy, and she had never seen some of these demonic ducks before.

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