Case Of the Biccups

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At last, the little French desert pieces were done in the oven and they smelled yummy. Octavia could hardly wait to get her taste buds on one or two or even three of these petit fours. Of course they both had to wait and let these dessert bunches to cool off and not burn their tongues.

There was nothing more painful than a burnt tongue. At last, after a few minutes, they both tried it and when Octavia tried one of Clyde's petit fours, it was like she was in a heaven full of these little dessert pieces.

It tasted absolutely amazing to her taste buds. There was nothing bad Clyde could make with his own two hands out of the oven. "Delicious." She said.

"Oui. They are parfait." Clyde proudly said. "I knew you would love them. Now let's try the ones you have made."

"They probably taste horrible." said Octavia.

"Come on, they are not that hard to make." Said Lincoln's best friend. He tried one of the red colored ones Octavia made and was munching a few times. "Not bad."

"There's nothing wrong with it?" Said Octavia

"A little too much sugar, but it is good."

"Ugh. I knew I had a little too much sugar in them." The Goetia princess doubted herself.

"No no no, don't be too hard in yourself, Octavia. Still the first try. It's not like you burnt them all to a crisp."

"True. I would have just thrown a nervous breakdown if they were all burnt."

"come on, don't talk like that."

"It's just that sometimes my mom would just scream like a banshee at me if I didn't get some things right."

"Ooh." Clyde had an uncomfortable look on his face. "Well I am not your mom."

"I know, I know." Octavia laughed. "I wish my mum was more like yours... wherever she is."

Her human friend gave a frown. "My mom died giving birth to me."

"What?" Octavia sounded shocked to hear that news. I... I'm very sorry to hear that."

"It's ok. It's nobody's fault. But don't worry. You did good on these petit fours. There's always another time."


Another day had passed and Lincoln was glad to have known Katie Mayday yesterday. She was really nice and welcoming to him and her house was so amazing.

Feeling bored and watching some TV, Lincoln decided to hang out with Loona some more and maybe get a flippee from the gas station. Picking up his phone, and asking the female hellhound if she wanted to tag along with him.

"Sure Lincoln, anything to get the fuck away from Blitzo." Loona flatly said. "Give me a few minutes."

"cool. See you in a few." Lincoln hung up.

"Morning, Lincoln." Lucy popped out of nowhere like she would normally do, and spooked Lincoln (as usual), making him fall back on the couch.

"You just love doing that, do you?" Lincoln got back up.

"Guilty pleasure." Lucy smiled. "Sorry for the intrusion, but I heard you got in a hot tub that was like a cauldron?"

"It's not really a cauldron, just a cool hot tub that looks like it."

"That's what I mean." Lucy said. "Is it true?"


"Lucky. Didn't know Katie Mayday had something like that."

"She is a really heavy metal singer." Lincoln said. "She has enough money to afford that."

"True. Can I join you next time you are in Hell?"

"Nope." Said Lincoln. "I don't wanna get you, me, or Stolas in trouble. Besides, it can be dangerous."

"Oh come on." Lucy doubted. "Going to Hell is one of my lifelong dreams."

Looking a little confused, Lincoln ultimately said: "I guess I can talk to Loona about this. But you gotta promise you can keep this a secret from anyone else, and stick with me if you go there. Otherwise, mom and dad will kill me."

"Got it. My lips are sealed." Lucy said. "Maybe I can have fun in that cauldron hot tub one day."

"I'll talk to Katie about that and see if I can bring you along for that."

"cool." Lucy gave another small smile in her face.

It was just then Loona set foot through the portal with the book in hand. "Hey Lincoln." She said.

"Ready to get a flippee?"

"I feel more like just getting myself a drink over there. But if Flip asks me for a kiss again, I'm just gonna leave." She crossed her arms.

"Oh I don't think that Flip will do that again. He's too afraid of you after you pulled that prank on him." The female hellhound smirked, definitely remembering that prank.

"Good. He's lucky I don't rip his throat out."

"Well come on." Said Lincoln.

The demon transformed into her human disguise and she went off with Lincoln to the infamous gas station.

"Wasn't it awesome to be in that hot tub?" Asked Lincoln.

"Dude, it was fucking awesome. And I even got an autograph from Katie Mayday." Loona smiled. "And I even got her number if she wanted to hang out with me again."

In the gas station, Flip gave Loona the dirty eye. "Well, look what the raccoon dragged in." Said the cheapskate. "Put a mousetrap on someone's lips lately?"

"Oh blow me, you fucking cheapskate." Loona flatly retorted as she flipped him off.

"You watch what you say to me, little lady." Flip bitterly said. "I have the right to refuse service tk troublemakers."

Despite the negative feelings, Lincoln got himself a flipee and Loona just purchased an extra large cola to drink from. Paying for the drinks, Loona took rather large, deep gulps from the large cup, and even got herself a refill after two-thirds of her drink were already gone.

After taking more big gulps, there was a jumping sound. A sudden loud burp that felt like a small earthquake, and it made the ground and building shake.

"Whoa! What was that?" Asked Lincoln

"Aw fuck me," Loona complained. "Not the biccups

"The what?"

"Biccups. They're like burping and hiccuping combined."

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