Chapter 2 [Juhee]

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Just one hour left for another day to begin

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Just one hour left for another day to begin. I am sitting on my chair right now in my study with my cute little night dress and black glasses by Bulgari. The room is not much big but it have those pretty lighting, that make room perfect to be called as a study room. Also, with the minimal decor and study table along with an armchair.

Every time when Josh is busy with his meeting at home, I do come to my precious study room and do complete my work. However today he is busy talking with his family on FaceTime and I already talked with them so I just came by to do my work. I don't wake up till late, until it's something really important or parties! I usually go to bed before 12.

It's 11:02 right now, I didn't realize that I was looking at the clock for so long. I gain my focus again to my Mac book completing all the work. It was half past 11 when I heard the faint footsteps soon echoing through the living area, I didn't panic since I know who could be. None other than my lovely husband!

He must have came downstairs to fill the water or maybe take a walk, who knows. I again gain my focus and continue to work, however I realized that the document I am working on is about to get finish.

Halfway through I remembered today's evening. When I came back to home and he asked me for the very first time that where I was? After that he told me that it was my Dad anyways, I know he could never actually care about me and who cares? Eventually he was cooking food to for him as well as me. I never like the idea of indicating me and him as "us". Nah man! For him and me it's never us and can be never.

Everything on side for now but he cooked Carbonara and famous Korean dish Jajangmyeon. He is really good at cooking noodles, especially the international noodles. He didn't actually serve me, well who wants princess treatment from him; I can give it to myself. I was in my own rumination, when I heard a manly voice from the door calling out my name.

"Juhee!" I turn around to look at the door and guess who was there? My lovely husband! "It's the third time I am calling you out" He completed his sentence. I know I should be embarrassed but I will never let others know "yeah I was worried about the meeting" I lied! Isn't this so embarrassing when I was actually thinking about him and I lied about the meeting. Well he does not deserve to listen the truth.

"15 minute's are left, it will be 12 soon. You should get a sleep" he says, which made me chuckle "seriously Josh!" I place my hand on his shoulder dramatically "you can't even sleep without me" I love to get on people's nerve especially when they try to care about me. It fun when you let down the person who pretend to care about you.

I saw him leaving a big sigh as same disappointed in me as always; when even he was happy with my one action? "you are disgusting Juhee" he complained again. I know I am not always right but I can't help myself "still you came for me downstairs" I replied to which he again said "you know why your Dad never loved you, because of this! Just because of your this attitude! Change yourself for God sake Juhee" well I didn't stand here for his long statement.

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