Chapter 1: New Birth

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{Kion's POV}
It's been 3 months since Cheka's defeat and The Tree of Life has been more peaceful than ever. Mom and Dad kept coming every month but this time, they brought Kopa and Kovu each time. Kopa came to visit Shani, who was only starting to socialize with everyone. Even though she said she could and had done before, she was having a hard time waiting for Nguvu. He left one day after we beat Cheka and no one has seen him since. We can only hope he is okay. Nirmala thinks that soon, Rani will give birth and we've all been waiting. A month after Nguvu left, Fuli came and told us that she was pregnant and had to take a leave of absence. Azaad tried to fill in for her and he did a good job. He's very diligent and it's been very fun with him kind of laughing at Bunga's airheadedness. And another month later, Bunga came and said Binga was also pregnant and he was very excited to be a father. Ono pointed out that to be a father, he had to be a responsible adult and not act like a gorilla sliding down an ice slide but Bunga didn't listen. Nirmala thinks they will also give birth soon and Azaad wanted to spend as much time with Fuli as he could before she gave birth so I let him. Bunga wanted to stay though and I tried to be with Rani as much as I could but it was tough because I took over most of the duties. Today we had to help a polar bear who got his snout stuck in the ice. Bunga was able to carefully break the ice and me and Azaad was able to get his snout out. After that I dismissed the Guard for the day and we went to a lake to rest. Fuli and Rani were waiting for us there and we flopped down and started talking
"Finally you guys came." Rani said "What took you so long?"
"Ugh. Tangaagim got himself stuck under the ice trying to get food." I told her
"Yeah!" Bunga yelled "It took forever to get him out! He kept moving around and he made it hard for me to dig!"
"You know Bunga," Ono said "You'll have to do that a lot more with your cubs. If you're complaining about Tangaagim moving around, you're going to hate dealing with cubs."
"Nah! My cubs are going to be like their dad!" Bunga responded
"That's the problem." Ono reiterated "Your cubs will be just like you. You won't be able to keep up with them or even talk to them! They won't listen to you. Same way you didn't listen to anyone."
"Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa could keep up with me." Bunga responded
"Not really." Ono said "Timon and Pumbaa just let you do your own thing. They were lucky we were there to watch you. Otherwise you might've jumped into a volcano because you wanted to know what lava felt like."
"Hmmmmm. Yeah!" Bunga yelled "I probably would've done that. It woulda been fun!"
"It woulda been stupid." Ono corrected
"We are talking about Bunga, Ono." Fuli said "He's always been stupid."
"Thanks Fuli!" Bunga yelled
Fuli sighed and rolled her eyes "Honestly I think Binga is going to have to do most of the work. I'd feel bad for her but she chose this."
"Yeah. You guys hungry?" I asked, changing the topic because I didn't want to talk about how Bunga is stupid "I can go and get food."
"I could eat." Rani replied
"Yeah. Food would be awesome right now." Fuli said
"Alright." I said, getting up. "I'll go to the hunting grounds. I'll be back in a few minutes."
I walked off and went to a grassy field where I could find food. I crouched down in the tall grass, waiting for some food. A couple gazelle walked in and started eating the grass. I came closer and closer, making sure that I don't reveal myself. I jumped on one of them and the other ran away. I caught him and brought them both back to Fuli and Rani.
"Here. There were only 2 gazelle there." I told them
"That's fine. 2 gazelle is more than enough." Rani said
Fuli grabbed a gazelle and started eating it. I brought the other one to Rani and she also started eating it. They ate relatively quickly and Nirmala approached them. "How did I know you 2 would be here?"
Rani chuckled "It's nice to see you too, Nirmala."
"You're awake now? Why?" Fuli asked
"Well, I thought I should check on you."
"How thoughtful." Rani teased "But we are fine."
"You never know." Nirmala said in her usual calm voice 
"Well yeah, I guess so." Fuli replied
"I'm going to go for a walk." Rani said while getting up
"Alright," Nirmala said "But be careful."
"I know. I will." Rani replied
She walked away in a hurry which confused me but it didn't take long before it finally happened. She only walked away a few feet before she screamed in pain and fell down. I immediately got up and Nirmala and I ran over to check. Nirmala looked around, saying "It's happening." And told Beshte to pick up Rani and carefully bring her to the Tree of Life. We ran as fast as we could to the Tree and Makini was waiting for us. Nirmala told us all to wait outside, only letting me in from time to time. Rani kept screaming and Nirmala tried to help her relax, because she said this could take a while. We waited for what felt like forever, and when the sun began to set, Nirmala and Makini came outside and only I was allowed to see her. I walked inside, and what I saw had me awestruck. In the dimly lit hollow, I saw Rani lying on the Throne Rock and in her paws were 2 beautiful cubs asleep. One looked like a boy with an off-brown hair tuft on the top of his head and dusty golden brown fur. He had marks on his paws that looked like mine and olive green eyes with marks under them. The other one was a girl with a brownish cream fur and a brown tuft of fur on her tail. She has Rani's brown eyes and she also has marks under her eyes.
"Kion! There you are!" Rani said in excitement "Look, our cubs are beautiful."
"Yeah, they are." I agreed "Look! This one has your eyes."
"Yeah! She does. And this one has the same marks on your paws. What do you want to name them?"
"Well, I've always liked the name 'Saka'." She replied
"Then that will be his name." I said "It's beautiful."
"What do you want to name her?" Rani asked, motioning to the girl
"Well, how about Amani?" I asked
"It's perfect." Rani said "Saka and Amani. They sound perfect."
We waited a few days for Rani to get some strength back before presenting our new cubs to the Kingdom. The day we chose to present them, Ono and Anga started flying around at dawn and told all of the animals to come to the Tree to see the presentation. Mom, Dad, Kiara, Kovu, Kopa and Vitani also came and Makini came inside to prepare everything. She told us to pick up our cubs and follow her. We all walked outside and Makini addressed the animals "Animals of the Tree of Life! We are gathered here today to celebrate the birth of a new generation of lions!"
She motioned us to come and show everyone our cubs. She told us to stand tall and still while she took some red paint and and put it on their foreheads. A curve on Amani like Rani's and a 'V' on Saka like mine.
"Please welcome Prince Saka and Princess Amani!"
All the animals jumped and cheered all at once and the bird started flying around us dropping flowers on our heads and around us. A few leaves and flowers blew past us and circled around our cubs. Saka looked around at them confused and Amani tried to grab them. The wind blew through my fur and I could feel, Grandfather Mufasa, Grandmother Sarabi, Askari and Queen Janna as if they were trying to say congratulations. Some animals started singing and others started running around in excitement.
Mom and Dad stared with smiles on their faces. Kiara and Kovu looked at each other with the same excited expression on their faces and Kopa, Vitani and Shani looked incredibly happy. Shani's smile waned a little bit and then picked back up like nothing happened. Probably because Nguvu wasn't here to see them. This lasted throughout the morning with everyone except the Lion Guard, Night Pride and Pridelanders going back to their habitats.
"Congratulations Kion!" Kiara said
"Yeah man!" Kovu added "Congrats! I guess I'm going to have to get used to being called Uncle Kovu."
"I mean technically you already are an uncle."

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