Chapter 5: What's going on?

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{Kion's POV}
We all walked away from Chika Escarpment and the cubs were unusually quiet. They walked behind me and didn't dare to speak. Fuli ran up to us and demanded to know where we were.
"Binga told me you cubs were going to be near the Tree!" She yelled "And you weren't there. Where were you?"
"Fuli." I said, drawing her attention to me "I took care of that. I need to talk to you about something else."
"You can't ignore this, Kion! They told us a lie and ran off on their own!" Fuli yelled
"Fuli!" I yelled, getting her attention "I got a message from Zazu."
"What?" She asked in shock "Why?"
"Dad sent for me personally."
"Why?" She asked again "Simba's got Vitani and her guard, Kopa, Kovu and his pride. Why does he need you?"
"I don't know. All Zazu said to me was it was a matter I had a lot of experience in."
"What does that mean?" Fuli asked
"I'm not sure. All I know is that he wants me there." I said "I'm going to take the cubs with me. Let them play with their cousins while we talk."
"Okay, I'll let the rest of the Guard and the Night Pride know. You tell Rani."
"Thank you, Fuli."
"As for you two," Fuli turned to Duma and Moto "No races for a week,"
"What?!" They yelled
"AND you're not leaving my sight until you earn back the trust you just broke."
"What?" Duma asked
"But mom," Moto complained "The schedule... besides Chika Escarpment was Duma's idea."
"Wow." Duma said sarcastically "Way to rat me out, tattletale."
"Wait, you went to Chika Escarpment?!" Fuli yelled
"Ooooh..." Moto said "Maybe saying that was a bad idea."
"Ya think??" Duma yelled
"That's it! Back to the den, now!" Fuli yelled
"But moooooom," Duma started
They walked back to their den with their ears flat and their heads down. Hofu hurriedly ran back to the marshes because now Moto wasn't there to plan everything. Before Fuli left, I reminded her to go easy on them because she did that all the time when we were cubs. She huffed and ran away.
"Cubs, let's go." I told them
"Dad, why do we have to come?" Amani asked
"I think it's time for you to be a part of situations like this." I said "Besides, you should play with your cousins."
"What?" She asked, surprised "Come on Dad! Asha's always stuck up, Koda's just an idiot, and Leah... actually I have nothing to say about Leah."
"Really?" Saka asked "You always have something to say."
"I mean, Leah's just Leah. She's trying."
"Come on, cubs." I interrupted "Let's go say goodbye to your mom, and go. It will take at least a day to get to the Pridelands."
I started to walk away to the Tree.
{Saka's POV}
"Of course Dad just walked off." Amani huffed
"We gotta go before Dad gets mad." I said "But just between us, I really don't want to go to the Pridelands."
"Oh," Uzuri suddenly said, I had forgotten she was still there. "I've never been to the Pridelands."
"You've never seen the Pridelands before?!" I yelled
"Good, the Pridelands is just a cheap copy of the Tree of Life." Amani said
"No it's not!" I yelled at her "You should come with us Uzuri! The Pridelands can be beautiful, especially now."
"Seriously Saka?" Amani asked while rolling her eyes "You can't bring everyone you want. Also I thought you didn't want to go."
"I do now!" I yelled, not subtly at all
"Cubs." Dad suddenly appeared "Why are you yelling?"
"Dad!" I yelled, not letting Amani talk "What if Uzuri comes with us? She's never seen the Pridelands before."
"She can come,-"
"Yes!" I interrupted
"-As long as her mom is okay with it." Dad finished
"Come on, Saka." Dad chuckled "You can't just take her anywhere you want. The last thing anyone wants is for her mother to get a heart attack worrying where her daughter is."
"Yeah, yeah that makes sense." I relented
I walked over to where Hyria was sleeping
"Miss Hyria?"
"Yes, Prince Saka?" She woke up
"Can Uzuri come with me and my family?"
"To where?" She asked
"The Pridelands."
"Oh my, the Pridelands is quite far from here."
"Yes, but my dad can get us there in under a day."
"As long as your father is there, I don't see why not."
"So she can come with us?" I asked, happy
"Of course, Prince Saka." She said "Have fun."
I ran off so excited that she could come with us
"She said yes." I told Dad
"In that case, she can come." Dad said
"Yes! C'mon Uzuri! Let's go!" I start running to the Mountain Pass until Dad stopped me
"Hold on, son. You have to ask if she wants to come with you. Just because her mother said she could doesn't mean she has to."
"I'll come." Uzuri said "I'd like to see the Pridelands."
"Then let's go." Dad said
We walked through the Mountain Pass and towards the narrow cliff on the left. We walked through the desert and Dad roared at the cloud, giving us a water slide. We made to a gorge where he used the Roar to levitate us over the chasm. Uzuri was very scared, but me and Amani were having a blast. We made it to the Outlands by sunset, and we saw the smoke coming from the volcano. Dad looked at the volcano with anger and fear. Uzuri looked confused, and Amani and I were wondering why the volcano had smoke coming out of it.
{Kion's POV}
I looked at the volcano, and I froze at what I saw. Smoke was pouring out of the volcano. The last time there was smoke was when Scar was there. We were at war, and it had been the hardest thing I'd ever done. I lost everything because of Scar. My scar, I almost turned into Scar. I remember what happened before my scar was healed. And what happened after Cheka reactivated my scar. This must be the reason why Dad called for me. I had too much experience with this volcano. And it was my fault.
"Dad," Saka said, breaking me out of my fear "What is it?"
"I-" I inhaled, deciding to not tell the cubs yet "Let's go. We cannot keep your grandfather waiting."

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