Chapter 3: Nguvu's Struggle

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{Nguvu's POV}
I've been on the road since I left the Tree of Life and each day it felt like I barely escaped with my life. Multiple animals had tried to help me but eventually gave up. Initially I had been following the new Wanderer Pride because I had hoped they could lead me to my mother but they felt like they had no idea where they were going. So I went off on my own and quickly realized I was not cut out for independent survival. Everyone I attempted to talk to were either hostile or rude and I couldn't stay at any other pride because of what had happened at the Tree. Besides, I had promised King Kion that I would find my mother and join his pride. I was walking and thinking about what had happened when I was attacked by a leopard. I didn't even know that leopards live in this region. It was aggressive but I was able to grab its tail and made it fall down on its stomach. I jumped on top of him, keeping him in place and preventing him from attacking me. I took my claws and slashed down his back, drawing blood. He roared in pain, and begged me to release him. I did and he ran far away from me.
"Coward." I growled in his direction before wincing in pain and limping to the nearest cave. I went inside and lied down trying to get some rest. A tiger walked in the cave a few seconds later, dragging a boar in his mouth, grinning and slightly drooling
"Finally, I got something." The tiger exclaimed "This'll last me for a week!"
He turned around and saw me. He jumped in shock "Who are you and what are you doing in my cave?!" He yelled
"I apologize, I didn't realize this was someone else's territory, but I had just been attacked by a leopard and needed a place to rest."
"Oh it's that darn leopard again?" The tiger said, unsurprised "I don't know why he's being territorial now, but I'd stay away from those trees. It's better for everyone's wellbeing."
"Oh, I see." I said "I'll leave."
I tried to get up, but winced and fell back down.
"Yo, you okay?!" He asked in shock and concern "The leopard got a number on you."
I looked down in disappointment.
"Listen, man. I can't offer a lot, but if you need, you can stay at my cave for a few days. It's not a lot but the Tiger Kingdom is just past those trees behind my cave. They're not the most welcoming to strange animals, especially lions, but you can tell them that Bahaad sent you and they'll let you stay for enough time to heal up."
"I couldn't," I struggled "You shouldn't care for someone so weak. I'm a waste of resources in this state."
"What? Who told you that? Your personal demon?" He asked a bit sarcastically. Not my personal demon, but a demon nonetheless. He hurt so many animals and I sat back and watched.
"Personal demon?" I asked, trying to hide my feelings.
"Okay, maybe not a personal demon exactly but... you know what I mean." He remarked
I chuckled at his snarky remark, but I guess I really couldn't hide my feelings about everything. He asked me if I'm alright and I tried to dodge the question but he didn't fall for it.
"Look man, you just have to say you don't wanna talk about it. You don't have to dance around the question." He said "I don't know who did what to you or whatever happened nor will I ask. I saw that leopard running away in fear. That's the first time I've seen him do that. You did that to him, didn't you?"
I looked down, what was I supposed to say? Yes, I brutally slashed an animal down the back that was defending his territory?
"I, he attacked me. I didn't know what to do." I chose to be honest. Not because Father used to punish me for lying but because it felt like the right thing to do.
"And it was justified. The rule of this forest is that we don't attack unless the outsider poses a genuine threat."
"So why didn't you attack me? The outsider who entered your cave and tried to stay there."
"Because you are a cub. A capable cub for sure, but a cub. Anyone with eyes can see you are a cub. I don't know who hurt you or what happened but all I know is that someone like you shouldn't be here, alone, scarred." He explained himself with the most sincerity I've heard from anyone beside Shani and King Kion's pride. "You look like someone who can handle themselves in this big world, with your scars and build, and you were the only one who made that leopard run away."
"I'm not cut out for independent survival. My pride always did most of the fighting for me." I told Bahaad. Whether it was true or not, I don't really know.
"Are you sure about that?" He pressed "Seems to me that you are better at this than I am. Are you sure it's your abilities that's the problem?"
"I'm not sure." I admitted
"Well, in any case, I'll let you stay for a few days but that's all I can do. After that, only the Tiger Kingdom past those trees behind the cave can help you heal." He repeated
"Why do you talk about them with such high regard?" I asked him "Isn't it because of them you're out here instead of in there?"
"Kinda? Depends on how you look at it." Bahaad said "I'm a defender. There are defenders stationed all around the border between the Tiger Kingdom and the jungle. Making sure anyone who would cause harm won't get in."
"So you stay out here all the time?"
"Nah. Not anymore. We used to, but after the new king took charge, he gave us defenders shifts. Now there are thrice as many defenders and we all rotate."
"How many defenders are stationed now?" I asked. I don't know why I kept asking him more and more questions. Last time I did this, I had a clear goal even if King Kion didn't know.
"About 10, I think?" He answered
"That's a lot of defenders." I replied "So there are 30 total defenders?"
"Give or take, yep." He answered "Some defenders can't come take their shift so we do double. They have their own lives after all."
"I see."
"If you really think you're not ready to be out here, I can teach you some things I know. They helped me adjust to defender life."
"Yeah sure."
"When we go hunting, I'll show you my tips for Real World Survival, complete with all the tools and tricks you need to survive out there where mommy can't protect you!" Bahaad said with a sarcastic glee.
"What?" I smiled. Then my smile faded when I realized he said 'mommy'. I haven't seen my mom in years. Tears started streaming down my face.
"I didn't mean it like that." He said "I was trying to make a joke. Horrible joke I know but, I thought this conversation could use some levity."
"It's just, I miss my mom. She left me behind."
"I think to some extent, everyone misses their mom. Hell, even I do. But at some point, we have to look past it. The past is the past and there's nothing we can do about it. It's hard, I know, but we have to learn to move on."
"But, I can't," I said "I have to see her again! She's out there I know!"
"If you really want to continue this journey, I won't stop you." Bahaad relented "I just want you to know this, you're just a cub. You have your whole life and you shouldn't waste it on the past. I get if you want to find someone you care deeply about, but you shouldn't let it consume you. Because what happens next after you achieve your goal? And what happens when you can't achieve your goal, what will you do?"
"I won't have to worry about that." I said "Because I will find her."
"Alright." He said "Come on, it's time to hunt."

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