Chapter 4: Someone's got a crush

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{Saka's POV}
It's been a week since Hyria and that girl came. That girl introduced herself as Uzuri, and she's been hanging out with me and my friends.
"Saka!" I heard Uzuri yell
I turned around and looked at her. She looked so beautiful, I guess I couldn't help but stare. "Saka? Hellllooo? Earth to Saka."
"What got you all googly-eyes?" She asked playfully
"Because someone's got a cruuuuuush." Amani said out of no where
"Geez, where did you come from?!"
"Maybe if you stopped staring and squinted beyond your huge snout, you'd have realized I'd been standing here the whole time." Amani retorted, because she thought she was soooo smart.
"Haha, very funny Ama." I rolled my eyes "Didn't Dad have this conversation with you literally yesterday? You know, how you have to be nicer to everyone? Or did you sleep through that as well?"
"Shut up googly-eyes."
"Come on Prince." Uzuri interrupted "I thought Duma, Moto and Hofu were waiting for us."
"How did you know I was the prince?" I asked, dumbfounded "I never told you."
"Well, it was obvious." She answered "That and Amani told me."
"Amani!" I yelled through gritted teeth.
"What? There's no shame in being crown prince, Saka." Amani responded
"But Dad said a king has to be humble."
"Oh my god, enough with the king stuff!" Amani yelled, agitated "We're cubs! Besides, you're too much like Dad to mess up. Lighten up!"
"You really think I'm like Dad?"
"Painfully. Except his great roar."
"It'll come eventually!"
Amani groaned "Whatever! Let's go before Moto yells at us for being late again!"
We went to Duma and Moto's den at the base of the stone wall cornering the Tree of Life. We went in and I got immediately pounced on by Duma.
"You're late!" She yelled "I had to deal with Moto being paranoid again!"
"Sorry Duma." I said
"Yeah, Saka was too busy staring at U-"
"Shut up Amani!" I interrupted. I didn't want her to know.
"C'mon. Let's go to the Marshes before Hofu has a mental breakdown." Moto said
"Yeah." Duma agreed "Bye mom! We're going to the scaredy-cat's little home before he explodes!"
"Okay Duma! Be safe and don't get yourself wet! It's annoying, oh and let me know if Bunga's being dumb again. I'll deal with it." Aunt Fuli responded
"Yeah yeah! I'm pretty sure Aunt Binga would deal with that before you even get there. You know how she gets with that."
"I know. I wonder how she deals with it. I wanted to jump off a cliff every time he jumped on my back."
"Come now Fuli." Uncle Azaad responded "The fire of a cheetah cannot understand the tolerance of a honey badger."
"I guess you could call it tolerance."
"Well." Duma said "We had better go now. Hofu's probably in the middle of a mental breakdown now that we're late."
"Yeah! We're late! Now I've gotta readjust the schedule to make time for the daily races AND hunting time!" Moto yelled
Moto gasps "How you dare insult my precious schedule! They're the glue that holds us together and prevents a complete breakdown of social order!"
"Whateverrr. Let's gooo." Duma said, obviously annoyed
We left and walked over to the marshes where we found a furry rock that definitely wasn't there before.
"Where's Hofu?" I asked, sarcastically. I'm sure everyone knows where Hofu is.
"Oh look guys." Duma sarcastically said "There's this completely normal looking rock over the pit of monsters. The monsters that King Kion imprisoned here, a couple leopards and a binturong." She smirked
The rock's eyes snapped wide open and jumped up in terror, revealing four paws. "Really?! Eek!"
Hofu landed on his paws and his fur stood on end.
"Oh look guys." Amani smiled sarcastically "We found Hofu. It's a miracle."
"T-that's n-not funny, g-guys!" Hofu stuttered "Y-you scared m-me."
"Seriously?" Duma asked "Your father is the bravest animal in all the Seven Kingdoms. Brave to the point of stupidity, as my mom says. And yet, you are too scared to take one step without thinking something is going to kill us!"
"Whatever." Moto said, cutting Duma off much to her annoyance, "Hofu. C'mon, let's go play by the Tree."
"I-I gotta ask m-my mom." Hofu replied sheepishly
"Allow me." Duma said "Aunt Binga? Can Hofu come with us to play by the Tree of Life?"
"Sure! Go on Hofu. Be back by sunset!"
"But mooooooom! I'm scared. What if a binturong or some leopards or anyone comes and tries to kill me?"
"Then you'll be the brave little boy I know you are!" Aunt Binga replied
Amani chuckled "Brave? Are we talking about the same honey badger?"
"Yes we are, Amani." Aunt Binga answered "I've seen Hofu be brave before. He just needs that little push to realize how brave he actually is."
"Yeaaaaaaaah sure." Duma remarked "Come on Hofu. You've got no excuses. Let's go."
"O-ok." Hofu relented "C-can I ride on your back?"
"Absolutely not!" Duma growled
"Don't worry Hofu." Uzuri said "You can ride on my back."
"Really?" Hofu asked, astonished
"Yeah! Hop on."
Hofu jumped on Uzuri's back and we all walked back to the Savanna area.
"Okay." I said "Now that we're all here, what are we going to do?"
"Oh, don't you worry about that, Prince!" Duma answered "I've got it all figured out!"
"Really? You actually planned something?" Moto asked "Awwwh. Our little Duma's growing up so fast!"
"Excuse you. I'm older." Duma retorted "Anyways. We're going to Chika Escarpment!"
"What?!" We all asked
"What's Chika Escarpment?" Uzuri asked
"Duma!" I yelled "We aren't allowed to go to Chika Escarpment! Dad explicitly forbade it!"
"Y-yeah! What if something jumps us? O-or we fall off the cliff? We'd die!" Hofu said
"Literally no one lives at Chika Escarpment, Hofu. And besides, the cliffs are not tall enough to hurt us. We'll be fiiiiiiine."
"Wait a minute. How do you know that the cliffs weren't that tall? How many times did you go to Chika Escarpment?!" I asked
"Umm... don't worry about it." Duma answered
"That's not an answer, Duma!" I yelled
"Will someone answer my question?!" Uzuri yelled "What's Chika Escarpment?!"
"It's that," I said motioning to the giant rock formation "Over there. Legends say it's where my father's great Roar of the Elders came from. He goes there from time to time and you can hear him roar."
"Yeah," Amani added "And for some reason, he banned us from going there."
"Yeah. I'm not going there. He said no." I told Duma
"Come on, Prince!" Duma said "Live a little."
"Yeah!" Amani agreed "The point of rules is so we can break them!"
"The point of rules is to keep us safe!" I yelled
"Saka." Amani came closer and whispered in my ear "If you don't come, I'm telling her your little secret."
"Fine, let's go." I growled
We walked all the way to Chika Escarpment and went up the path. We saw a clearing full of rocks and some were broken.
"So what are we doing here, Duma?" Amani asked
"Simple. We're playing with the rocks."
"What?! What if they crush us?!" Hofu asked
"Unless you're stupid, the rocks aren't going to crush you." Duma responded
"We really shouldn't be here." I said "If an adult catches us, we're going to be in trouble."
"That is IF they catch us, which I doubt." Duma responded
The clouds started moving towards us and a light shot out of them. I looked on as a lion's head appeared in the clouds. He smiled at me "Are you ready, Prince Saka?" He asked
"Who are you?" I asked him
He just smiled at me. Duma asked me who I was talking to. I looked back and the clouds were gone along with the lion. The others looked at me like I was crazy.
"Guys, I swear there was a lion in the clouds!"
"Saka?" Uzuri asked "Are you okay?"
"Because there was nothing there."
"I'm not lying! I saw a lion in the clouds! You had to have noticed it too! The clouds started moving towards us and then vanished!" I yelled
"Yeah?" Duma said "That's what clouds do."
"Saka! Amani!" Dad yelled. His voice was kinda far away. "Where are you?"
"Oh no. Uncle Kion's looking for us!" Moto said
I looked back up at the sky, hoping to see that lion again. But then I heard Dad's voice behind me "Cubs. What did I tell you about coming here?" He asked sternly
"You said not to." Amani answered
"I did, so why are you here?"
"We wanted to see the place." Duma answered "We didn't understand why you said we couldn't come here."
"I will tell you why when you are ready to know." Dad said "Saka, Amani. We have to go to the Pridelands. I got a message from Zazu that we cannot ignore."
"What?" Amani asked "Why?"
"I will tell you on the way." He answered "Let's go."

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