Chapter 8: Cheka's Resolve

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{Cheka's POV}
Father's command was simple, build a new legion for him to use to retake his rightful place among the Pridelands. I decided to travel the world looking for the rogues of the 7 kingdoms to join this legion. After all, they had the most incentive to destroy the 7 kingdoms. Banishment is a punishment far worse than death, it strips animals of their dignity, humiliates them. Soon, I'll come back, a threat to the 7 kingdoms, a being whose power is feared more than the mystical roar held and protected by the Tree of Life. I walked through the bleak jungle and made my way to the ring of caves marking the edge of the jungle. Tigers were so stupid, marking their territory in such an obvious manner. But their strength isn't something I can ignore in this fragile state I find myself in. So I walked into the land lions have been banned from for generations. Immediately, the judgement was evident, but I paid them no heed. I had my mind set on one goal, to find the king of this land. Perhaps I can persuade him to join my side. This king is highly respected among his clan, they trust him blindly and wholeheartedly. Surely, if he joined me, I would have the strength of the entire Tiger Kingdom behind me, and any stragglers would have no choice but to submit. I barely was allowed to wander the entry part before two tigers showed up and bared their jaw. One with a scar running from his snout, taking out his right eye, and another with a piece of his ear missing.
"Halt lion!" The half-blind one yelled with distain, though the line sounded rehearsed "You will walk no further into the Kingdom of Tigers!"
"You will leave the way you came," The nicked one added. It also sounded rehearsed "If you wish to keep your life."
"An empty threat? I'm shaking." I responded "I have no time for games. I need to see the king."
"What business do you have with the King?" The nicked one asked
"That's our business."
"If you can't tell us what's so important that you have to trespass, then you can leave." The half-blind one hissed
"Are you done playing now?" I asked, growing impatient "I will see the king, whether you like it or not."
"Absolutely not!" The half-blind one growled "You will not be permitted to see the King."
"Listen here tiger," I said, at the peak of my rage "You and your friend here are no more than mere scouts from the looks of it. Do not pretend you have more authority than you do. He is the king, he should make such a decision. What are you trying to protect him from? Your own prejudice?"
"Fine, I'll go get him." The half-blind one said. He ran off, leaving his friend alone with me.
"Don't try anything." The nicked one warned
"I am confused."
"About what?" The nicked one asked as though already bored of me
"Why won't you escort me to the king?" I asked "Why must I wait here?"
"Unlike the other one who showed up here, you were hostile." He explained still sounding bored "We will not permit you to go anywhere near the Ring of Dens."
"The 'other one'?" I thought "Who in this world is the other one?" I couldn't understand, what lion would enter the Kingdom of Tigers willingly and didn't have an alternate agenda? I wanted to ask, but I'm not interested in more forced answers. I waited for a while, I assume because the half-blind one was trying to stall the king. The half-blind one finally returned with a tiger in tow. He had a 'V' on his head, marked in yellow instead of the signature blue of the Tree of Life. Strangely, he looked similar to the young male cub that tigress at the Tree of Life had. He asked the two scout tigers to leave them be, and they were hesitant to do so. He reminded them of his power, and they left us alone to talk.
"So," He jumped right in, ignoring the pleasantries "Nishan told me you wished to discuss something with me."
"You are the king?" I asked, although I knew the answer. It felt weird to just jump in to my demands without a proper introduction.
"Of course I am the king." He replied "I wouldn't be here if I was anyone else."
"Of course," I said, keeping the conversation going and making it have a tinge of familiarity "Rumor has it you are one of the most respected kings in all the land. Respected enough that when you make a decision, everyone will rally behind you in support."
The king raised his right eyebrow in confusion and suspicion "Your point?"
"I have a proposition," I explained "I have a plan to topple the Pridelands and give it back to those who deserve it."
"And you would like the support of my clan to do it?" He questioned
"Absolutely not," He growled "My clan will not be a part of your war."
"You must consider the possibility, your majesty." I tried
"The possibility you are trying to advertise is my clan being forced into a war between lions and will cost lives that I am not willing to sacrifice." He interrupted
"Well, it doesn't have to lead to the loss of lives. I am an expert in strategic planning and I can create a plan that would avoid the needless sacrifice."
"I will not involve the tigers in the lions matters." He asserted "As of now, we have no reason to jump into your war. And I will not allow my clan to fight in a needless conflict."
"Do you not understand the opportunity right in front of you?!" I yelled, growing impatient yet again "This is your clans one chance to prove your worth to the lions!"
"I care not about your pathetic squabbles with your fellow lions," He shot back "But I care about my clan, and I won't waste their lives on a superiority statement!"
"It's not a waste." I tried to explain
"'It's a chance for glory'" He finished "Forget it. My kingdom has glory enough after our last war with lions and our placement as one of the 7 Kingdoms. We don't need your useless war. Now I believe it's time for you to leave."
"You must understand-"
"No!" He roared, drawing the scouts' attention back to us. As it turned out, they were close by and were spying on our conversation. They ran over and the king instructed them to escort me out. The king watch as the two scouts forced me out.
"Stupid tigers." I growled in a low voice "Don't they understand what they're missing out on?"
"I don't believe they do." A strange voice said "They are incapable of understanding the truth."
I turned to look at the voice. It was another tiger. He was covered in scars and had the Mark of Evil running down his left eye.
"I've been waiting for years to take revenge." He told me "They kicked me and my father out, and left us to fend for ourselves. Now tell me what it is you were trying to make them understand."
"I have a plan to topple the Pridelands and return it to its rightful rulers," I told the strange Tiger "But I need a legion to help me. I tried to recruit the king but he wasn't willing to do anything."
"You mean that fool Majaran? He never had the guts to make the hard decisions." The strange Tiger said "But I do. I'll join you if you promise that after you take the Pridelands, we take the Kingdom of Tigers next."
"Deal." I grinned "By the way, what is your name?"
"Bura." He said

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