{Chp. 1}Maybe it was ment to happen

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||this is my first book y'all so please don't judge I'm not the best writer in the world! So hope you like :)||

Meet Katelyn she has brown hair and blue eyes. She is a girl that I confused about life she's lost. That is until she meets a pair of blue eyes she immediately gets lost in. Then she's found.||
"Why?" I questioned as I saw what I did NOT what to see. My boyfriend, Cameron kissing some slut with a REALLY short skirt.

He pulled away shocked while she smirked.

"It's not what it looks like",He said. He said trying to sound sorry.

But he was full on grabbing her. So of course I didn't believe him.

"You know what I don't care were done!"I said. As hot tears were pouring down my face. Then I ran off.

I thought, why? Cameron and I were doing so good. What happened? So many questions where swirling trough my head. I was then stopped.

While I was running then I ran into


A gorgeous guy with blue eyes he was so handsome. I couldn't help but stare. I analyzed his features. His charming blue eyes you could get lost in. His brown hair with blond streaks. How his tall structure towered me. I was interrupted from my thoughts when he finally spoke up.

"Oh I'm sorr-are you okay?" he asked. Oh dang even his voice was charming.

"Yeah, just struggles" I said my voice cracking and tearing up. It hurts we have been dating two years and all of a sudden he cheats on me!

"Oh I'm sorry I don't know who would do something to a beautiful girl like you." He said.

I could help but blush. He called me beautiful. Then I remember Cameron calling me beautiful. His brown eyes and hair made me melt. But I'm moving on.

"Aw thanks you don't look bad yourself." I wink.

"Thanks, I'm Nash." Nash said.

"Im Katelyn," I said.

"Can I have your number?" He said while stuffing his hands in his pocket.

Of course I said yes. He gave me his phone while I gave him mine. I put my contact name as "Katelyn the bæ" He put his name as "Nashy<3" I laughed at the his contact name, while he just smirked.

Then on my screen popped up 'momma'

"Excuse me for a second." I said while I pressed answer button and walking away.


"Honey supper is ready. Where are you? Are you alright? Where d-"

"Chill, I'm on my way I'll talk about it when I get home" I cut off my mom.

"Ok bye honey. Hurry!"


"Nash I have to go my mom is worried..a lot" I laughed and he chucked. His laugh! This boy is doing something.

"Nice meeting you" He smiled warmly.

"You too! Well I'll see you later Nashy" I winked.

"See you! Bye Katelyn, text me!"

Then I walked away and blasted kesha music on my phone (Kesha is my queen) and tweeted "Maybe it was ment to happened:/". I then tried to clear my mind Cameron cheated on me and I meet Nash.

I smiled and thought I'm getting over that douche Cameron.

I walked in greeted by Milly my Husky.

"I'M HOME!" I hollered.

"IM IN THE KITCHEN!" She hollered back.

I walked into the kitchen and saw some chicken. Yassss! We then started eating. It was awkward then my mom talked.

"So, what's the matter?" She said with concern dripping from her voice.

"Umm C-Cameron," I began his name made be vomit. "He cheated on me." I said while picking at my green beans.

"What?! Im sorry! honey that's awful!" My mom shrieked.

I sighed, I still can't believed it happened. "It okay mom I'm over it and it's not your fault" I said giving her a reassuring smile. I put my plate it the sink.

"Well, mom that was fantastic, goodnight!"

"Thanks honey! Goodnight sleep well! I'm here if you need anything," She smiled.

I smiled back and ran to my room. Milly right behind me.

I then put on fuzzy black pj pants that had different color snowflakes and a shirt that had a snowman on it. Don't judge I'm in the Christmas mood! Which is coming close by the way I quickly plopped down on my bed then my phone buzzed. My smiler then grew 10x bigger.

From 'Nashy😘'

"Good Night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite :)"

I smiled at his cheekiness. Then replied.

To 'Nashy😘'

"Good night and I'll try ;) "

Then tweeted "I'm over it, and goodnight loves"

I had like only like 10k Twitter followers, but I still loved them. Tomorrow is a new day, who knows whats in store. I just hope it's good.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

||HEY! This is my first book so don't judge. Yas it will be bad lol jk I hope not at least.. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!||

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