The Fallen Traitor

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Daryun rushed off his horse, racing towards him. "Kharlan!"

Narsus and the mysterious figure had also gotten there pretty quickly. But while Narsus remained calm, the figure's breathing was heavy, almost panting.

"Kharlan, tell us what they've done with the king."

Kharlan spat out blood. Was he going to be interrogated in his final moments? "You want to know about the king? Very well..."

"No!" The figure said. It belonged the the voice of a girl. "We need to stop his wounds from bleeding, quickly!!"

The figure tore a chunk of their cloak and pressed it against Kharlan's neck, soaking up blood.

"Androgorous...still yet lives...but the throne is his no longer, it never truly was." He said.

Droplets fell from above Kharlan and landed on his face. The skies were dark but clear, so the drops must have been coming from the figure. We're they crying? Why would they cry over him?"

Kharlan continued. "The rightful heir will ascend the throne."

"What are you saying? The rightful heir is Prince Arslan..." The figure sniffled. Kharlan felt that their voice was familiar and sweet...did he know this person?

Speaking of the prince, he rushed over and soon was also by Kharlan's side. The was a look of regret and sorrow in his eyes, even for the man who betrayed him.

"Kharlan! Hold on, do you hear me? You must not die."

Kharlan squinted his eyes, noticing the people around him. A woman, a child...that rat from the passages...and that eccentric, court hating bastard, fighting on the side of royalty?

Kharlan coughed out more blood. Incredible...this prince is...

Arslan's bottom lip trembled. "Just keep fighting, Kharlan, please." He begged.

Kharlan frowned. He placed a hand on Arslan's knee. "Your highness, I cannot do as you order."

He looked up to the sky, and that's when he saw her It couldn't be...I watched her die.

Tears gathered in Kharlan's eyes, and he gave a small, apologetic smile. "Please...forgive me." He said.

Kharlan coughed up blood one last time, before his body went completely limp. He had died.

Tears started to fall from Arslan's eyes as well.

"He's gone, highness." Daryun said.

", no, no." The figure mumbled.

"Though it seems Kung Androgorous is still alive." Narsus added.

Arslan's sorrow quickly vanish from his face. Now it was filled with hope. "My Lord father?"

"Unfortunately, that was all we were able to get out of him."

"That's something, though. My father is alive."

The figure bite back her tongue.

"And I believe we have reason to hope for his continued survival, highness. After all, the Lusitanian have kept him alive for this long. They undoubtedly have a reason. Presumably, that reason will keep him from harm."

Arslan stood up, studying Kharlan's face one last time, before turning away. He had to thank the people who had saved his life.

The woman was first to speak. She had long, jet black hair and green eyes. She was extremely beautiful, and wore revealing robes and carried a dagger at her side.

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