The Alley Fight

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For the next couple of days, Pars suffered greatly. The Lusitanians stormed the capital, and took it by force. The blood that was spilled on that night would forever stain Pars' history.

However, on the Parisian streets, there was one soul, who's intent was pure. He'd been in Pars before, around three years ago...

He walked the streets in search of his fellow soldiers, and an imprisoned witch, who he'd promised to come back for.

The boy-soldier asked every local, searching for clues on where they might be. But no one could give him an answer.

Defeated, he took a seat by the fountain, sighing in disappointment. "I failed." He said to himself. "I vowed to come back, but I failed all of them."

It was a hot summer's day, and the soldier looked at himself through the water's reflection.

Etoile stared back at himself, wondering if he would ever do as he promised three years ago.

He suddenly remembered that white haired boy he took as hostage years ago. How he, Zofia and that boy lead the Parisian soldiers on that wild goose chase. He almost laughed.

But then Etoile thought, that boy I took as my hostage...he seemed like the son of a prominent family. I wonder if they have many slaves?

Etoile jumped up, filled with new determination. If I find him, he may know! But his hope died as quickly as it came.

No, such an idiot isn't likely to have survived until now.

The loud sounds of hooves stomping caught Etoile's attention. He saw a small army making its way outside the palace gates. They were the Parsian traitors who had come to serve Lusitania.

The Parsians cleared a path for them in fear of what they might do, but it did not stop them from talking...

"Is there another battle?"
"That's Lord Kharlan!"
"He's no Lord anymore."

Though Kharlan could hear everything, and he could surely punish those who are talking, he continued to ride forward.

From the other side of the road, which was blocked off by the soldiers, there was a lady with long hair tied into a braid, wearing all pink.

And another soldier, who noticed the girl, made his way towards her

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And another soldier, who noticed the girl, made his way towards her. "Hey you there! Girl!" He shouted. The girl looked at him. The soldier asked, "You find soldiers so interesting?"

"Sorry." The girl muttered in a quiet voice. "It is such a grand army that I was wondering what it was for."

"This? They're heading out to look for that prince who's on the run."

"Oh really? So they have found out his location?"

"Not sure. They betrayed the prince and his family after serving them for years! It's probably in their interests to want him dead."

"You know much..." the girl observed. "So how about the rumours that King Andragorous has gone missing?"

"They're true as far as we can tell. Anyway," he said, placing a firm grip on her shoulder. "why don't you just come with me? We can talk in more detail over there."

The soldier dragged the girl away unwillingly. The girl was yelling at him. "What are you doing, sir? Let me go!"

"Come now. Not to worry girl, it's just talk."

"Please! Don't hurt me sir, I converted to the faith of Yaldobaoth!"

"Oh? Did you now? All the more reason to get to know each other."

"Please let me go!" She yelled. It seemed she was nearly crying. This caught Etoile's attention.

Etoile was disgusted by the soldiers behaviour and ran to save the girl from his perverted intentions.

From above the rooftops, a figure observed. I'm glad to see Etoile is still fighting for what he thinks is right. The figure smiled. It continued to follow them discreetly.

From below, Etoile yelled after his soldier. "Stop, release that-!" He abruptly stopped. "Woman..."

The girl in pink stood over the soldier. The soldier was bleeding from the open wound on his neck and the girl stood, dagger in hand. The girl seemed angry that she'd been interrupted.

The charged at Etoile is precision, like she had done this many times before. Etoile was quick to strike back.

"Let me guess, you're no ordinary towns person."

"And I guess you're no ordinary Lusitanian dimwit either." She retorted.

"I served Count Barcasion, a general in the army. I am his squire. I'm Etoile, and what is your name?" Etoile demanded, still managing to fight back this woman.

"I have no name that I care to share with you, Lusitanian dog!"

"Then you're a coward!" Etoile shouted.

As the girl aimed to cut his knees, Etoile jumped over her and pulled back her hood, hoping to knock her down by her hair. He felt victorious, but only for a second.

The hood fell off, along with her hair. The girl was actually just a man, who was wearing a wig.

"A man?!" Etoile exclaimed. While he was surprised, the 'girl' in pink kick him in the chest and Etoile fell through a wooden barrier and into a crowd of slaves.

The slaves noticed Etoile as a Lusitanian soldier and surrounded him. "They're slaves." He muttered. "Stay out of this!"

"Tell us when!"
"Free us like you promised!"
"We helped you. We opened the gates from inside."
"You said you'd set us free if we helped Lusitania."

Etoile backed away from the angry slaves, momentarily forgetting about the fight. "I-"

"I killed my master for you!" One slave claimed. "I killed my master because I believed you people, but nothing has been done for me!"

The boy in pink took this distraction as a chance to escape. Etoile only noticed him leaving when it was too late.

"Stop!" He yelled after him, but he was long gone.


The figure on the roof watched as the boy in pink ran far away from Etoile. It watched him, and followed closely behind without being detected.

It thought that if anyone were sending Parsians to infiltrate Ectbatana, it had to have been done by someone important from the Parsian army. And maybe, just maybe...

They might know where Arslan was too.

Woah, mysterious figure? I think some of you guys might have an idea on who this is...

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