The Sindhuran Alliance

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The prince laughed without a care in the world, despite his hands and legs being tied behind him.

"Haha, I can admit when I've been beaten. You've outwitted me brilliantly!" He praised. Zofia wondered if it was a tactic of sorts.

"You took him, Alfarīd?" Arslan asked. "That was quite well done."

"Me? I did nothing, we succeeded thanks to Lord Narsus' genius." She smiled.

Elam scowled from the corner. Though Zofia didn't like the Zot Clan, she was in good terms with Alfarīd, and wouldn't undermine her victory.

Arslan got up from his throne with Zofia close on his heels. She refused to use her cane in front of the Sindhuran prince, and limped a little behind him.

"I heard the Parsian Prince was small but I thought the reports were exaggerating." Rajendra insulted.

Zofia frowned, disliking all the fronts this man put up. "Another tactic to get out of your bounds?"

He ignored her. "So, what plans do you have in store for me? Will you make an example by executing me in front of my men?"

Arslan's face was neutral. "No, Prince Rajendra. I'm Arslan, crowned prince of Pars, and this is Peshawar Citadel. I realize the means was somewhat crude, but I need to invite you here, as I wish to speak with you in person about something."

"Crude? I'll say." Rajendra said. "I'm my country an invitation does not often involve being tied up and hauled away."

"Of course not. You've my deepest apologies." Arslan bowed slightly.

Narsus and Daryun stepped from being Arslan, Daryun in particular stepping into Rajendra's personal space. He nodded and Daryun unsheathed his sword, and swung down Rajendra.

In that split second, Zofia could see past his fronts, and could see the raw fear that clawed at his face when he thought Daryun was going to kill him.

Prince Rajendra's ropes were cut off, now allowing him to freely move around.

"Perhaps now," Arslan said with a smile, "it will be easier for us to talk to one another as equals."

" equals..."

Rajendra was quick to put on a charming mask to try and fool them, but his eyes and racing heart beat betrayed him.

"I am willing to hear what you have to say."


The Sindhuran army sat on one side of the dining hall, and the Parsians on the other side, both enjoying the banquet before them. Zofia sat on Arslan's left, closest to him.

A servant poured wine for the Sindhuran prince.

"You may find our hospitality somewhat limited, being in the borderlands as we are." Arslan admitted.

"It will do." He replied, taking a generous sip of his wine. He let out a refreshing sigh. "That's quite good. Borderlands or no, this is delicious. We don't have anything like it in Sindhura."

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