The Midnight Offer

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Zofia had never felt so clean in her life.

After the wild goose chase, constant near death experiences and disastrous first meeting with Pars' Queen and King, she needed a bath.

A handmaiden had sewn her ear back together, which she was grateful for. Then she was placed into a bath, where she lounged and relaxed while the handmaidens took care of her. Her bed was like a cloud and she could not believe how soft it was.

She'd also eaten plenty. She nearly drooled when a servant came into her room with a large platter of breads, cheeses, various fruits and water. She chugged down the water and savored every bite of the food.

But no matter how nice they treated her now, Zofia still had her guard up at all times. And she was glad she did.

As midnight came closer, a subtle knock was heard from the door. Zofia sat up, facing the door, not daring to make a sound and hoping they'll just leave.

They didn't.
The old man who had freed her from her muzzle entered the room, surprised to see she was still awake. "Pardon the intrusion. May I come in?"

He sounded nice enough. And he had freed her. She was willing to here him out. She nodded, and the old man closed the door behind him and stood where he was.

"My name is Lord Eran Vahriz." He introduced. "I'm sorry to disturb you at such an odd hour, but I have some questions I'd like you to answer."

"It depends on your questions."

"Ah, so she speaks. You haven't told us your name yet."

"Zofia. I have no last name."

"Alright then? Tell me, which god do you fall servant to?" He asked.

"I believe in the Greek gods. I doubt Pars has heard of them." She said. "I am not an enemy."

"Mhm. How skilled are you at magic?"

"Skilled enough to save your prince. What are all these questions for?"

"Listen closely. While magic is banned in Pars, the King has seen this as a golden opportunity. You passed his expectations, even by a little bit. He's willing to hire you as a guard to the prince."

Zofia's jaw dropped. Is he joking?
"What happens if I don't accept?"

"You'll either be sent to a slave trader or killed for using magic."

Great two options to choose from. I suppose I have no choice.

"What do I have to do?"

"It's simple, really." Lord Eran Vahriz said. "The King wants your magic to add more manpower to the army. Since he still considers you weak, you will train here until you are ready to fight in our wars. And guard the prince on a daily basis."

"Are you sure I'll die if I reject this?"

"Absolutely. So, is that a yes?"

"I guess...there's not much to choose from."

"Most of us aren't given an option to choose to live."



And that's what Zofia did. She trained with Vahriz and Prince Arslan, becoming more powerful each day. Her and Arslan became close friends who confided in one another. Three years flew by, and suddenly they were 14 years old, and Arslan's very first campaign was nearing...

AHH YES ITS FINALLY ABT TO GET MORE INTERESTING! I know very few ppl read this but I literally appreciate you so much! Happy reading <3

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