Pars' Rebellion

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Guys it's only the 2nd week of school and I already wish the year was over (_) BOARDING SCHOOL SUCKS UGH. Anyway- I'm updating in the next two days so check that out!
Happy reading! <3

Zofia was running, again.

It felt like all she ever did was run. Run away. Run towards. All she ever did was run.

There was no doubt in her mind that the soldiers would kill the slaves. They thought of them as beings lower than pigs.

Zofia recognized the two Marzban on horses gallop past her as she sprinted towards the Western Gate of Ectbatana. Though they had only gotten there seconds before she arrived, they had already done enough damage.

The slaves were injured, and their eyes burned with hatred. A number of sticks were left abandoned on the ground.

"Keep well away from this gate," yelled Lord Garshasph. "Any man who approaches will be killed without a question!" He declared.

Lord Sam soon caught up, yelling himself. "Stop this! Does killing unarmed slaves make you proud?"

"I don't see any slaves here. I see rebels." He seethed through his teeth.

"They only have sticks to fight with!" Zofia defended, siding with Marzban Sam. "That is not a fight. It's a slaughter."

"In their hearts they are holding swords!" Garshaph said. Sam was trying to reason with him.

"Look at them, Garshaph. You killed 10 rebels, and have done nothing to help the city."

Ten? He's killed ten of them already..?

"Now that those ten have fallen, a thousand more will rise up to take their place." Sam said.

This was only the beginning, but things were already looking poorly.


Zofia had offered her apologies and forgiveness to the slaves, but they would not accept it. They spat in her face and told her to get lost, which she could understand why they'd done that.

She thought, what if that was me? What if I had fought for what I thought was best for me and died for my cause?

Before Zofia had met Arslan, she had never put her life on the line before. And since she'd met Arslan, she'd only risked her life for his... it felt selfish to live for herself.

Especially after Etoile had come to save her all those years ago... while she lived for Arslan, she lived for Etoile, in a way.

Right now, she was back at the palace. Marzban Sam had asked her to accompany him to see the Queen. But when the Queen lay eyes on her, she was told to leave the room immediately and to wait outside.

So she did.

Zofia tried to listen in, but the amount of things going on at the moment made it hard to concentrate on one thing.

"Lady Zofia?" A guard said. Zofia quickly pushed herself off the door and pretended to act natural.

"Uhm- yes? Can I help you?" She asked awkwardly.

"Grand Vizier Husrab would like to speak to you. I've been told to escort you."

Zofia felt a pang in her heart. They have already replaced Lord Vahriz..?

She took a deep breath in, trying hard not to think about the people she's lost in the last few days...

"Of course. Lead the way."

Lord Sam didn't need her anyway. She followed the guard around the castle, until they eventually stopped at Gieve's room.

"What are we doing here?"

"Go inside."

"Why am I at the Minstrel's room?"

"Find out." And they pushed her inside.

The first people she recognized were Gieve and Grand Vizier Husrab, waiting for her. Husrab clapped his hands and smiled.

"Great! Now that you're both here, we can start the conversation. I have a task for both of you. Might you be willing to assist me?"

"I don't do tasks when I've been shoved into a room against my will."

Husrab eyed her. Gieve laughed heartily. "She jokes, Grand Vizier. We will accept on a few conditions. The cause is just, the reward large and the chance of success good."

The Grand Vizier smiled, happy that he got his way. "As for the cause, I trust the continued survival of Pars will be enough for you, and the reward will be generous. For both of you." He gestured to Zofia.

"Hang on a momen-"

"Listen closely, girl." He snapped. "Here is what I'm asking of you two: using a secret passage, you are to escort the lady Queen to a safe place outside the palace."

Zofia mouth hung open. "The Queen is running away?"

"Silence, girl! The Queen's escape is essential to the continued survival of Pars. It is not up for debate."

Zofia felt sick. She was running? But what about the people she'd sworn to protect?

Gieve was unbothered by this. He seemed hypnotized by the bribe of a large reward. "Perfect. When do we leave?"

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