Before the March

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Three years had passed since Vahriz had offered her a place in the palace as Arslan's personal guard. She rarely met the King and Queen (which she was grateful for), but the lower guards still did not show her respect. She could care less though.

Zofia watched as Vahriz and Arslan sparred together. She watched as Vahriz shouted out his next moves so Arslan could block them. They'd been at this for awhile -an hour at least- and Zofia watched them contently and eating a sandwich.

Vahriz soon disarmed his prince, knocking his sword high into the air. Zofia waved her hand and fanned the air, swaying the sword away to fall far away from the prince. The sword landed with a loud clang, accidentally scaring two handmaidens who were talking.

Arslan panted, out of breath, and put his hands on his knees. "Yet again...I try again and again, to no avail."

Vahriz concealed his sword. "That is not true at all. You are most definitely improving, Prince Arslan."

"You may tell me that, but I do not feel it preforming as pathetically as I have." He doubted himself. "I suppose if I were to go into battle, I might know."

"Vahriz is right, Prince Arslan. You are getting better, so don't sweat it. Rome wasn't built in a day." Zofia supported. Even thought Arslan nor Vahriz knew where 'Rome' was, they had come to accept Zofia's 'slang'.

"It's easy for you to say." He sighed. "Every time I watch you and Kharlan fight, I am always amazed."

"Yeah, well, you wouldn't be if you saw our fight today; he totally beat me. I can't move my wrist."

Vahriz said, "Oh Kharlan. That man should remember that you are still a child."

"He didn't mean to, Lord Vahriz..."

Over the last three years, Kharlan and Zofia had become closer. He became her mentor, and to her, a father figure of sorts. Though he was tough on her, she knew deep inside he cared about her. He was hard to tolerate at first, being stubborn and hard-working. He accepted nothing but the best, and trained her the best he could. Occasionally she would win their fights using a bow and arrow, allowing the wind to carry the arrows where she wanted.

"Lord Eran Vahriz!" A messenger came running towards them.

"What is it?"

"A message from his majesty!"

"From King Andragoras?" Vahriz's eyes scanned the letter, then suddenly they were as wide as saucers. "My goodness!"

"What does it say, Vahriz?" Arslan asked.

Hid face turned grim as he slowly turned his head to look at the two, waiting in anticipation. "It seems there is about to be a war."

Arslan and Zofia were shocked. "War? Against who?" Zofia asked.

"It seems Lusitania have defeated Maryam, and are heading towards Ectbatana. We are to fight at Atropetane."


" seems this will be Prince Arslan's maiden battle."


To put it lightly, Zofia was super pissed off.

It was her job, her duty, to protect Arslan, yet Lord Kharlan was making her stay in Ectbatana because of her dumb injury.

"Lord Kharlan! It's not fair." She pleaded. "It's my job to protect the prince, yet you won't let me ride into battle with him?"

"Zofia, we do not let injured soldiers fight, and you are no exception."

"But I'm not some ordinary soldier! I'm a witch for crying out loud!"

"Huffing and puffing to use your magic won't be enough in the battlefield. You are staying here and that is final!"

Kharlan turned and walked away, leaving Zofia fuming. It is better if she stays here, where I can explain to her why I've done what I've done..., Kharlan thought.


"I cannot believe this! I simply won't!" Zofia exclaimed. She was pacing back and forth in her quarters, with the prince listening to her rant.

"You know I will be fine. I have Lord Daryun and Vahriz to protect me. Plus, my Lord Father is also joining the campaign."

"But what if something happens and I'm not there to protect you? I would beat myself to death if you got hurt out there, or worse..." Zofia shook her head. She didn't want to think about that.

"Please, Zofia. I would rather you be waiting here, safe in Ectbatana, healing and waiting for my return."

Zofia finally stopped pacing to look Arslan in the eye. Three years ago, she was helping a Lusitanian hold the prince hostage, and now she was his best friend. Being the only person in the palace who was the same age, they got along well with her each other and relied on one another. Arslan was Zofia's best friend, and Zofia was Arslan's.

"Fine." She huffed. "But if you come back with even a single scratch, you will never hear the end of it."

"I promise, I will be fine."


I honestly don't know which way I want this to go. I could either have Zofia go with Arslan to the battlefield or let her stay and meet Gieve, Farangis and Lord Silver Mask. Pls let me know 😭😭

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